@OliviaZavala has just emailed this and I thought it might be useful for us to discuss the consequences.
We have some important news that will impact the course or courses you have created. Memrise has been growing loads (yay!) and we found that our Forums needed a good sprucing up.
So, we’ve created a new Community Forum. It’s awesome, it’s easier to navigate and there are lots of cool features to use.
So, how does that affect you? Well, we’re going to be closing the current forum on the 1st July 2016.
This includes the Discussion Forum located in your course (or courses).
If you want to keep receiving reports and feedback about the content you created, here’s what you’ll need to do:
For Language Courses:
Go to http://community.memrise.com/c/language-quarters
Click on the appropriate language sub-category
Create a new Topic with your course’s title and your username i.e. “50 Spanish verbs by Blue345"
Copy the link to the new topic, go back to your course page in memrise.com and add it to your course’s description, informing users that is the place to go if they have feedback for you.
For all other Topics:
Go to http://community.memrise.com/c/community-hub/course-reports
Create a new Topic with your course’s title and your username i.e. “Astronomy 101 by Skywalker"
Copy the link to the new topic, go back to your course page in memrise.com and add it to your course’s description, informing users that is the place to go if they have feedback for you.
We realise it’s an extra task for you, but it’s only needed if you want to provide a feedback space for users of your course.
Remember, forums will be closed on July 1, 2016, make sure to save any info you want to keep from your forums, before then.
Otherwise, you’re still invited to come over to the new Forum and explore!
Thanks for being a part of our Community, and happy learning!
Olivia, Community and Social Media, Memrise
For people looking for the new Course Forums (in most cases) you need to look for “[Course Forum]”:
You may also need to go to:
Then go to the “Community Hub” then the “Subject” area to find the course forum you are after.
Also it is worth doing a search by “Course Name” or “Creator” or “Contributor”.