[Site Feedback] "report" items link on the learning/presentation page

Dear team,

what happened with that link?

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I just wrote elsewhere:


Yeah, no-one’s going to do that. I’m guessing they want to limit usage of the old forums and perhaps fade them out later.

So an alternative then could be that the “report” button directly takes you to this new forum and starts a topic for you with the course name as its title and the @author and @contributors mentioned in the text… Or maybe a group private message to all the contributors…[/quote]

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I do agree with DW7 on this, Arete…

I’ve been for a couple of days out of memrise - now I have courses with thousands of items to be reviewed, I review in batches of 50 in easy courses, and of 25 items in difficult courses. I cannot remember at the end of watering or planting session the exact spelling of the bothersome items…


I do too. Not having this functionality is bad.

My suggestion was thought up in less than a minute, adding 5 seconds of thinking time to that: add the specific item reported on in the title of the post or pm (all of this automatically). That is of course if the original solution cannot be reinstated, which would be best.

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dear Memrise team,

any news on this issue?

why you took out this feature as well???


no answer at all? dear team: the user, this user is not your enemy :disappointed: Many thanks for your attention.

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I think Olivia’s reply to @DW7 2 days ago in this other thread answers the same point (unless I’m mistaken): About the Non-language courses - Reports and requests category

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I’m with you @Hydroptere. I was off Memrise for 32 days- out of country with infrequent access to wifi so decided to wait till I got back. Needless to say when I did get back (May 2), I had many thousands of words to water. I have been very hard at it, spending 5.5 hrs per day in the first week back (when I was still on hols) and I still have a way to go. Getting back to the issue of reporting back - even though I’m trying to go as fast as I can - I’m making a note of words which need to be reported. Oh how much easier would it be to still have that link there because as this stage I’m not sure when I’m going to get back to that list!

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@alanh: thnks for pointing out that, although blo*** h**, i don’t get it why such a big change has to be mentioned in a forum that few users visit (it seems only some moderators are in there), a forum about non-language courses. Olivia is not a developer, and I do think some minimal politeness toward the “commoner”, i.e user, is not such a bad idea. The “Memrise announcements” category is empty …

@Hydroptere - I couldn’t agree more. It’s quite frustrating when stuff disappears without warning or explanation. We can only hope that they will start using the “Memrise Announcements” category soon but I will not be ‘holding my breath’.

I expect that, like me, you can remember the days when Adam used to post a [quite] regular blog telling us about changes that were going to be made and the reasons for those changes. Then he left. In the old “website feedback” forum, I pressed for the return of those regular-ish announcements and they did reinstate them last year for a while but,sadly, it didn’t last. :rolling_eyes:

I think it’s a terrible turn of events that can cause great damage to usability of the memrise as a learning platform.
And actually I use “report” link extensively, because there is huge amount of errors in courses I use. There’s no other simple way to improve a course during studying. And this move from the Memrise is very destructive indeed!

I can understand the need to improve the way to maintain user-created content but this was done backward. Typically they should remove the old method AFTER replacing it with something better. Not before, like they have done. Right now we’re just stifled.

As there are now two threads on this one issue, here is a link to that other thread:

I wonder if one of the ‘supervisors’ could merge the two threads?

Or they could just put back the link and there’d be no need for either thread.

I can only guess it was taken down because someone felt some users might think “report” was there for reporting inappropriate or illegal content.

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If what @dylan.nicholson.548 says is a true, all that is needed is a change of name to clarify it’s purpose!

How about “Query and entry”, “Question the accuracy of an item” , “Report an error”, “Report a problem”, “Report and inaccuracy”, “Propose and alternative” or “Comment on an entry” (or definition).

or any combination of the preferred words.

@OliviaZavala < Do any of these comments help?

For completeness, as reported by @alanh, this is what @OliviaZavala said:

Please can I make you all aware of this post I’ve started following @OliviaZavala important announcement:

I thought that now we know what is proposed we might like to discuss it in a new thread.

Day 0 approaches and no serious feedback from the team on this issue yet…


Hi @Hydroptere, I notice we still do not have the increased descriptive space to place our links (without having to delete some of the current description).

I have also PM’ed @OliviaZavala asking when we can expect this promised increase in space.

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lol, the day started long ago. And the old course forums are still there. Nice for them, after many of us/users made their heads fume about this and that…

It is ok if we still use the old course forums, or they’d be taken down every second now?

And where is the “better solution” that was announced with regard to the link on the learning/reviewing page?