[Site Feedback] Does anyone know what happened to the old Feedback Forum posts and suggestions?

I used to support many ideas in the Feedback Forum including ones raised by MemRise.

They were voted upon (1 to 3 points from a limited bucket).

They accrued points and sometimes the MemRise team would say it was “under consideration” or “planned”.

eg: http://feedback.memrise.com/forums/252790-website-feedback/suggestions/10625280-different-badge-ideas

where I suggested we ought to get badges for continuous days of learning (like the badges we get for continuous days on a single course), as I prefer to vary what I do each day. [Incidentally I have 310 days continuous learning but only 70 days on a single course.]

I spent ages creating posts with ideas and I was grateful for the support (comments and votes) received.

Has all that hard work been lost?

Did the MemRise team note all the high-scoring ideas?

Have we got to start all over again or is the data accessible somewhere?

Please can someone enlighten me.


they’re simply gone :disappointed:

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For information, Nazgul1488 says :


It isn’t gone yet, but it likely will be soon. You can still access it by going here.

http:// www.memrise.com/forum/17/

The website feedback section is gone now though.

Wait, aren’t those two different things?

The uservoice feedback forum where we voted on ideas, that seems to be just gone.

Memrise forum #17 isn’t the same thing, unless I’m very confused.

For example, your “different badge ideas” suggestions on the feedback forum - that’s gone, I think. You won’t find it at the link you posted in your later comment.

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Many thanks Cos,

I remember you as an active participant and I was occasionally confused by the different areas (as I started with one then moved onto the other). Without a proper look I didn’t know which one they were talking about.

Yes, I am talking about the Feedback Forum where we had votes.

Thanks for the sad clarification.

Do you know why someone killed that really useful arena?

I do hope the MemRise read all the suggestions before it was closed down.

Is it worth raising some of the ideas here?

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Hi DW! The Uservoice Feedback Forum has indeed been closed. It wasn’t deleted, though. We have archived all of the information there so staff still has access to it.


Hi Olivia,

“Long time no speak.”

Many thanks for monitoring these threads and replying.

So that’s the one we used our votes on?

I’m so pleased, as many of us put our thinking hats on and shared our suggestions for a ‘rainy day’ at your office.

Yes, that’s the one. I’ll be posting an official announcement tomorrow, that hopefully addresses the concerns that the community has expressed so far, this one included :grin:


Good question. On a different post, a couple of us wanted a category on this new forum for user suggestions and feature requests, and @OliviaZavala gave the rather nonsensical-seeming answer that they don’t want to see any user suggestions for now because they’re concentrating on mobile. Memrise seems to believe that users don’t have anything to suggest that might be relevant to mobile, or that mobile users don’t want to make any suggestions, or something like that.

So now that memrise has decided they explicitly do not want any categories here for suggestion/request posts, you wonder if it’s worth raising some of those ideas here. Perhaps @OliviaZavala could answer that question.

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A small team wanting to focus on their chosen path is only natural, and arguably good. People wanting to give suggestions is also natural, and also arguably good. The question is how to reconcile those two. This discussion is now spread over at least 5 threads it seems. In some of them we’ve argued for: give users a place to give their feedback, but also make clear that the team does not have the resources to pursue these suggestions for the foreseeable future.


Of course, putting feedback all over the forum – like perhaps is now going to happen – is also a solution of sorts. I guess people don’t like that for the same reason they don’t like a bedroom with dirty clothes all over the floor. It makes stuff hard to find as well.


Thanks Cos and Arete_Hime for your replies.

It seems that the many suggestions we made as Web users have been saved and may be reviewed occasionally (as many concerned Course creation ideas which I would imagine is a lot easier via the web).

As they have enough suggestions saved ( I certainly made many), then there is no point me repeating them here.

However my request for badges for continuous days of learning aka streak (which can be obtained by doing different courses throughout the year) is still valid and must apply to the mobile app as badges do encourage us. I hope it will be picked up.

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Which suggestions, though? Do they not have the resources to pursue any suggestion at all? I doubt that.

Olivia’s answer kind of implied that the reason they can’t pursue any suggestions is that they’re working on mobile, so they won’t work on improving the web site for a while. But even if that were the case, who says the only things people will suggest will be web site changes? Memrise seems to be (very stupidly) assuming that, but it’s obviously false.

Not wanting to create a space here in the forums for suggestions, seems to be a way of avoiding facing it at all. Of not having to decide which suggestions are relevant to their current work, or worth looking at in the short term, as well as not giving anyone a place to make suggestions they might work on further in the future.


It could be that memrise makes its money mostly with the apps… that anyhow does explain why the site looks like an oversized phone screen, and why they neglect/not care about complains/suggestions regarding the web version… and why the old forum - although in a way the very history of memrise itself - was fully dismissed without a second thought

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On the other hand, having a category for suggestions that the team doesn’t have time to read may also give false hopes to users. They may think that their suggestions are going to be thoroughly examined. On the previous forum, there were quite a lot of people complaining about this or that suggestion not being implemented yet, or about the fact that the Memrise team wasn’t giving any feedback… If they really don’t have the time to take care of the users’ suggestions, simply removing the ability for users to suggest anything is an option. I don’t really like it either but I guess they thought about it a lot before taking such an important decision.

Oh, and I also totally agree with that message:

Somehow, some parts of the forum will probably end up being full of suggestions repeated all over the place…


You yourself say why that option makes no sense - people will just scatter their suggestions all over the other parts of the forum. And it’s not like memrise will have more time to read what people post here if they say “no suggestions”. Even if it were reasonable not to want to consider any suggestions at all, it’s still a bad option.

But of course it’s not reasonable at all, because they are in a bubble where they’re often unaware of what’s causing problems for users. Skimming requests from users should be one of their priorities, even if for most things they can’t do it anytime soon. It’s deeply disrespectful of users to say “don’t tell us anything, and we have no interest in reading what you want even if you do tell us, we have more important things to do.” Yet that’s basically what they’re saying.

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