Courses *suddenly* requiring either hyphens or even strict typing

Why are French course suddenly requiring punctuation/diacritics? I am studying/reviewing Duolingo French, Intermediate French and Advanced French. And today all three are requiring exact punctuation. This seems to be more than a course author suddenly deciding to make everything strict.

I will also add this new forum format really sucks.


I see the same thing in the Japanese courses I am taking, Where punctuation’s were not being asked for before now they have to be used. The worst problem is if a word is split in separate words and now it requires to put a dot in between the words. I have no idea how I get that stupid dot in. e.g., にしゅうかん・まえ。This is driving me crazy.


This is also true for courses for Arabic speakers.

P.S: maybe you should post your topic in the “bug control” forum…

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@Joshua, it seems the latest bug resolves pushed this strict typing problem in front instead

I’ve just commented on this on a Ukranian course post - it would seem to be universal - all my Italian courses were affected as from yesterday by the need to put in apostrophes or be marked wrong. Yet accents do not seem to be affected. I assumed it was an update!

To type 〜 is an adventure too, not even the symbol ~ of the japanese keyboard is accepted, and it’s necessary to fail and copy+paste. XD


I’m doing Spanish 3 at this moment. And from this 3rd part I have a huge constant problem with capital letters and exclamation signs. Make it right, please! — The answer without exclamation signs and capital letters must be evaluated as a correct one!!!


It’s a bug. Someone with more power should move it to bug section. With several that kind. @alanh @sircemloud @DW7

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Noticing recent posts in some of the other topics, this bug seems to be affecting courses in several languages, although I haven´t had any problems with it so far. I’ve only been using the website version, though. I’ve tried inserting capital letters and unnecessary "!"s and "?"s in otherwise correct answers and they’re being accepted ok.

Is the bug only affecting courses created by Memrise and items that include punctuation marks, accents, etc?

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Hello, i am new to Memrise so forgive me if i posted in the wrong section.

Anyway, I’ve run into a problem. I am learning both French and Serbo-Croatian. When i am doing my basic Serbian course, i get the answers partially wrong due to not having accents on the letters.

For example; Suppose its asking me to translate the word “Welcome” into Serbian. I will type “Dobrodosli” however, it says i am wrong because there is supposed to be an accent over the S. is there any way of solving this problem?

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You’re in the right place here.

i am taking/done myself etc

none of my courses is set on strict typing, however, the lack of a hypen gives a red mark lately…

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I have experienced this as well. In addition, I am taking a sentences course, and suddenly lack of commas and periods gives yellow and red. This maybe started 3 days ago. Quite annoying, considering it does nothing to benefit learning.

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Moved your thread her with others about this problem.

hey, why did you move it here??? i am not learning arabic, and i was speaking about spanish and indonesian, and only ahout hypens (my spanish courses are not affected by lack of accents - so there are different problem). The least you should have changed the title of the thread, as many languages are affected, and the problems are dissimilar (roflcopterlol learns mandarin, for ex) !

@lien, @joshua: this sudden requirement to type in all hyphens and apostrophes got me a huge number of items marked red this evening… it is really upsetting to have so many items to review for missing hyphens … the problem started after you mended that bug regarding the tapping tests not working in some french courses (that est-ce problem)

Hi! Thanks for your help with gathering and organising these reports, it’s very much appreciated. @Joshua will look into (and hopefully fix!) it tomorrow morning (UK time). Apologies for the trouble meanwhile.


This happens way too often. A lot of work needs to be done to allow for certain allowances in typing i.e. spaces, punctuation marks, etc.

OR, rather than using a darned “~”, just put in a placeholder figure, that way people can learn numbers, words, or use a generic name.

I tried typing both in Japanese, English, and a mix of the two to no avail.

I have the same problem.
Before, I have never put the “?” or “!” and it seems like now we have to.
It is still ok.

But the problem is with the 〜.
Even if I put the small ~ or the big ~, it doesn’t accept it.
I have to copy/past the one of the answer :confused:

Can bug reporter post the sentence and the result that he or she would expect?

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If you are referring to me, some examples from french would be

le petit-fils works. le petitfils does not work any longer

l’echelle works. lechelle does not work any longer.

At first I was thinking that special characters had a problem, but it seems to be just be punctuation that is the problem.

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