Punctuation No Longer Ignored

I noticed that since a few days a lack of punctuation starts to matter (i.e. without it you get words wrong). Could you change that back? There are sentence where there is punctuation and others where there is not. Sometimes I don’t even know how to get the right one (e.g. - 、ー。. ,) on my keyboard. I don’t want to remember what each specific course wants from me for each specific keyword. I want to learn the expressions - not whether that word also wants a ‘-’ in that one course or not.
I already got ride of one course (Japanese 1) quite a while back because of a similar issue (the course wanted sometimes roman letters, sometimes hiragana, and sometimes kanji. If you entered the wrong one, it would mark it as false instead of returning saying what it wants from you).

This has been reported and extensively discussed in a few posts already, starting last Friday (a bit over a week ago). Memrise seems to have introduced the bug on a Friday but didn’t notice it or see any of the posts about it until the following Monday - but they apparently aren’t able to fix it, or aren’t prioritizing it, it’s not clear.

Anyway, follow the discussions on these posts: