quería reportar que en el nivel 65 las palabras shank (pata, pierna) y skank (timar, estafar) no tienen definición, solo la última tiene una frase como ejemplo. Sería pertinente que se corrigiera.
Un saludo y gracias.
Email sent! As soon as I hear back I’ll let you know.
I had a look at his/her profile and their contact details are in the bio so you can also get in touch directly if you like: https://www.memrise.com/user/ReParker
Well… Hoping that the creator of the course will someday come back and read this thread, I keep posting bugs and things to be corrected… (and as a warning for other users who take this course, a nice one btw).
Level 84. The following words are only correct if written with the phonetic transcription. This should be changed, since learning the phonetic transcription is not the aim of the course:
fabric /ˈfæbrɪk/
groove /ɡruːv/
accrual /əˈkrʊəl/
mileage /ˈmaɪlɪdʒ/
unapologetic /ˌʌnəpɒləˈdʒɛtɪk/
bloom /blu:m/
threshold /ˈθreʃ.həʊld/ US /-hoʊld/
It seems it’s not only a problem in this level, but maybe in others after this one, so a temporary solution would be to ignore these words… I will continue the list.
Hi there! I’m sorry it took me this much to reply but i’ve been away from memrise for quite a while.
Now that I’m back of course my desire is to leave my course fully operational and working perfectly so I’ll try to address the problem I’ve experienced myself too when entering the answer. I dunno why you are now requested to insert the complete answer of the word. When it comes to this course turns out to be enormously encumbering since nobody wants to mess with the phonetic transcriptions…
Anyways, as I have a bit of more time these days I?ll try to be more attentive and fix the problems you’ve kindly reported.