[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

Hi Hallgat89,

I know that Katakana stuff is extremely frustrating, and I feel exactly the same! I eventually want to have all the foreign words presented in Katakana, just the way they should be, but for the moment I don’t have the permission to do that.

What I can do now instead is to add katakana (ビール)as alternative so that when you type them in Katakana, they will still be marked correct. I will be working on this today and hopefully finish today… but please bear with me if I don’t finish them before the end of the day, as there are so many foreign ‘borrowed’ words in the course. Thanks!


Hi Xefjord,

It is definitely happening. I can’t tell you when though. Sorry!

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Hi again!

When you get ‘borrowed’ items in typing test (ie beer, wine, terminal, pink, pasta etc) you can now type the answer in Katakana and it will be marked as correct.

I know this is not as good as having the item in Katakana, but it’s the best I can do for now. Let me know if you have any problems! @Xefjord this might be relevant to you as well.


I have not had any issues with the Katakana I just want to see the Memrise course become as well rounded as possible. I think you are doing a great job and thank you for all your hard work. I noticed you mentioned before that “This level doesn’t teach the ‘sounds’ of Kanji” Do you plan on teaching the sounds of some Kanji later on? Or is it just something you learn from little box under the hiragana sentence (With the kanji included) as you go? Either way is fine so long as you include the Kanji in context to see at some point.

Maybe the higher levels will start to include some kanji within the actual sentences. Or you can keep it all in Hiragana. But the sooner you can start involving Kanji the less handicapped the users will be when moving on to actual Japanese reading. I can see where it might be somewhat of a waste of time to go over the same Kanji you learned in earlier lessons just to learn the sound. But if you include Kanji into actual sentences and have the audio of the sentence people may just learn from use (Which is the best way to do it). They already know the meaning of the Kanji so meaning of the word should not be too much of an issue (This is the same reason Heseigs RTK method is popular despite not teaching the sounds.) and they can focus on learning the sounds of the Kanji just through its use in the sentence.

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Thanks for the Katakana, I find it very convenient! Have you also changed the way ? ! ~ must be written? I never write those at the end (or front) of the sentences, but now answers are only accepted if I type them. Also could you please look into this? ~すぎます is not accepted anymore, even though I type it with japanese IME (Windows 10). So far I haven’t had this problem.

Same happens with ~に

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Courses suddenly requiring either hyphens or even strict typing

Hi, in Japanese (to Russian) 1-13 there is mistake in “ればのんじん” it must be “ろしあじん”.

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I have a question about “Do you have X?” type of questions.
Many of them are _____がありますか? meanwhile others are _____はありますか?
What decides if we have to use が or は?

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@hallgat89, I am struggling with the same issue right now too and would really like to hear the answer.

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Thanks for pointing that out Vasily, I’ve now fixed it.

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Hi. Can you allow katakana to be used for “coffee” in “coffee is delicious”, Japanese 1 Level 11? Thanks!

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Can in Japanese Language 1 the no (の) in Level 4 and the no (いいえ) in Level 3 be better distinguished. I am always getting them wrong because I have no idea which one it wants. A suggestion would be to have the いいえ stating as no (not の) as a hint to make it clear it’s not asking for the syllabary.

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Hi Kam-Hung_Soh,

This should already be fixed. You can answer it either こーひーはおいしいです or コーヒーはおいしいです

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Hi GabrieleCramer-Knebe,

That’s a very good point. Thank you. How about having no (syllabary) instead?


That makes it clear too.

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I can maybe understand the desire to avoid requiring learners to know their katakana when introducing vocabulary items, but please at least add katakana correct answers variants to words that are typically written with katakana.

It’s annoying to have to type a word, then convince my IME that yes, I really want to use the wrong syllabary.

There’s a pattern in many courses to introduce sentence fragments like “~がありません”. Please Please Please make sure that answers with and without the tilde are accepted. Please make sure both a half-width and full-width tilde are accepted. There are answers I have to remember right now which form(s) they accept. Extremely frustrating to memorize which one is wanted and switch entry modes to be able to enter it.

Be careful about synonyms, courses in this set suffer from e.g. “Lose” being broad in english. Any course inroducing まける, なくす or まよいます should do so with parentheticals, eg. “Lose (something)” “Lose (your way)”. There are words in different courses right now that I simply cannot tell apart until after I’m already wrong.

It’s also pretty inconvenient to use a forum for feedback, I can’t imagine as a course author it’s much better, I think Memrise would be very well served with at the very least a button somewhere on a course’s page that goes into an inbox for the author. You’ll get duplicates but you will like this too – there’s no way I can read the entire history of this thread to see if something’s been mentioned already.

I imagine many of these issues could be discovered organically without requiring learner intervention if there were “most common incorrect answers” type statistics for authors.


Thank you! In Japanese 1 Level 17, can the answers allow katakana for “table” in “table for two people please” and “menu” in “the menu, please”?

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There are some errors / inconsistencies in the course of Japanese / French. (At least at level 1 where I am now).

All kana u sound (つ ふ む ぬ う …) are normally transcribed in tsu fu mu nu u (as in Sakura or Kyushu for example) but are written in ou.
Moreover Kana sound r (ら り る れ ろ) as in arigato (spelled with an r in in the app) are transcribed with the l (la li lu le lo) which is confusing. And although phonetically sound Japanese r is close to the French L, it is spelled with an r (as in nara or Hiroshima)

There is also an error in sound し and ち which were transcribed in chi and tchi while the real transcript is shi and chi (as for choshi chiba or Hiroshima). This is particularly confusing for し / chi, since normally chi corresponds to kana ち. Transcription ち in tchi is less disturbing.

Last thing, the sound long o is written “or,” and the sound u is also transcribed “or”
(This confusion no more exist if the transcription of u sound is corrected)

Hoping to have been understandable in my explanations,
I wish you a good day, and wish you good luck with the corrections.

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In most sentences writing あなたは or わたしは are required, but in some other sentences they are not accepted.
(Are you hungry? -> おなかがすいていますか?) Some other courses solved this problem by putting the not required parts between () marks. So おなかがすいていますか? should be “(Are you) hungry?” And so on.

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