Review broken again?

today watering / reviewing behaves like learning? in this course, also in my private Mandarin courses

all items for review, despite no mistake made, came 2,3 times in a row for reviweing in the same review session. Also, in my chinese courses, all items responded correctly but which came up (as mentioned above) 3 times in the same review session were recorded as “difficult words”


Are you reviewing items which are due to review? Where are you reviewing from, the dashboard or the course page? Can you please provide the link as it appears when you’re inside the reviewing session?

I am now getting “whoops, couldn’t load the session” whenever I try to review either “difficult words” or standard review. I didn’t try anything else. I am using safari.

Hi colva, where are you launching the session from? The dashboard or the course page? Can you please provide me with the url in the url-bar you see at the point the message appears?

Dashboard. Sample url:

(but it seems to affect all my courses, I’ve tried 3)

colva, could you please clear your browser’s cache and try again ?

I’m also having an issue with reviewing words, specifically with speed review. Some words simply won’t get watered when using speed review; doing a normal review or using speed review on mobile both work fine, it seems to only be when speed reviewing through the website

I’m seeing the “Whoops, could not load the session. Sorry.” error when trying to review from the main page (
If I use the individual Review button on the courses it works, and so does clicking the Review button from within the course.

clearing the cache does not make any difference.

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That worked, thanks


I am having issues with Speed Review (though Review works). Although I get the points from Speed Review, the number to be reviewed does not go down.

@daniel.zohar, yes, this is the same thing that happened last year! Please fix this before a week goes by wherein we’re unable to review, and lo and behold, Sunday we have 10k words to catch up on.

The problem here it’s that I get the same group of words to review, it doesn’t change at all, no matter how many times I answer them correctly. I’ve cleaned the cache and also used a different browser, nothing has changed.

Some updates.

A script caused review and learning sessions not to load. However,

  1. At the top of sessions, the course name doesn’t appear.
  2. Before, I could get the word correct, then click on check answer to confirm a definition. Now, if I do that after the word has been marked green/correct, it counts the word as though I missed it.
  3. Before, when a learning session ended, if you clicked “levels”, you’d be brought back to the level you were learning from. Now it takes you to the course home page. This isn’t helpful.

Allan_Christian5d can you provide more details? Which course? Where do you review from? Do you have any words to review on it (is the button blue and has a number or grey)?

Hi Sohols,
can you please give us more details? which course are you doing a speed review on?

I have had Speed Review problems on three of my courses, Modern Greek, Beginner to Intermediate Polish and Advanced Spanish. So it is not unique to one course. It is like last summer - I hope it does not take a week to fix like last time, although it might do me good to use Review more as it is slower but a more in-depth review.

Congratulations! The new update on the website broke Cooljingle’s user script “Memrise Wrong answer skips”.

If you do not know the word, the text box is empty and if you hit ENTER, it will show the next review word question from the queue, instead of the error/mem page of the current word.
This is the same if you give a wrong answer in the text box and you hit ENTER which shall show the (current) wrong answer, not the next question.

After the 2nd question (you may enter correcly or incorretly) the 1st error/mem page of the 1st question will be shown…

If I disable Cooljingle’s script (which thankfully supresses the crap of ~3-6 repetitions for incorrect answers): then it is back to working.

It looks like your website update uses a new queueing (order) mechanism?!? Hopefully Cooljingle can fix it soon.


SteveKaczynski Do you think those words you reviewed were due to review? It could be that just the ordering is wrong

A feature of last year’s breakdown was that the same words came up for review again and again. I am not sure this is the case this time.

Yeah, @daniel.zohar. Can you comment on my post above?

@Thomas.Heiss, I posted something for cooljingle. Hopefully he can fix everything without too much effort on his part. (since who knows WHAT this update was for)