Is there something wrong with the Reviews

I did my daily reviews as normal, then I went back to the language page and started on the Modules/Levels, but it took me a couple of these before I noticed I was being short changed. So I did a little experiment to see what was wrong, and there I noticed it for sure. Reviewing has changed, but I have no idea why, it is behaving exactly like it does when I do the reviews from the home page, or suggested daily reviews. I like to do my reviews then go an do each individual module afterwards, as in all of the sentences/questions, but instead I am getting 10 of them.
I had wondered if it was a mistake or some thing, so I ran window washer and even deleted browsing history, I would have restarted my computer, but seeing as I just switched it on and went straight to Memrise, I saw no point in that.
So, what is going off, why is it doing this. Again, it is straight from the language section, not daily or suggested reviews.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Review broken again?