case 3:
case 1:
args[1] = args[1]; //corresponds to random(3,7)
case 2:
args[1] = args[1]; //corresponds to first add distance + random(2,6)
case 2:
args[1] = args[1]; //corresponds to second add distance + random(2,6)
Hello cooljingle,
have you seen the double “case 2” after “switch(testAddCount){”?
Should the third case be a “case 3” instead of “case 2”?
I am a Java developer myself, but unfortunately I do not yet understand very much about Memrise’s JavaScript code.
I counted >3 additional repeating questions, when I answered questions incorrectly (default Memrise).
Does “maxTestAdds=1” set the incorrect repetition questions (“test boxes”) to max 1, instead of 3-4?
In a short test it worked liked that, before the session ended. This is just awesome!
The second part of your code is a little bit more tricky.
Do you additionally customize when the repetition (incorrect) question is prompted in the session batch?
That was the real problem of the default Memrise:
Besides prompting way too many times (4-5) for once incorrect answered questions, the repetition (all-typing) question may have appeared just 1-2 questions afterwards.
I never could make it through my 100 review session easily (in-time), without getting bombed with those incorrect questions multiple times.
I had even opened a DuoLingo thread how to suppress incorrect answer questions:$from_email=comment&comment_id=21762213
Usually you would either use a 25 or 100 review session and additionally using “infinite learning” user scrip (unfortunately you can not simply turn it on/off before starting a review/learning session).
If you have an outstanding batch of 180 or 450++ words, a user needs to try to get through his batch in-time and focus firstly on the words, which are still known to him (catch-up words) before falling out of the “optimal review cycle” before the forgetting curve hits.
Having big review batches let’s a user put all those words even more back, especially when he knows that he gets hammered with 3-4 additional questions per incorrect answered questions.
What do you think is the optimal place for those “incorrect answer questions” from your “Wrong answer skips” user script?
Somewhere in the middle between the other questions or the end?
Is there any difference in remembering/repeating/answering correctly if you have a 25 or a 100 words review session?
I believe my test has shown that your script puts those “maxTestAdds=1” questions not at the end but somewhere in the middle (already optimizing the annoyence what the default Memrise is doing badly).
It would be OK for me when it works like this.
When the review session is 100, would there be any danger to forget those words, when the incorrect answered questions show up at the very end of the 25/100er session?
When does the “session” end when using “infinite learning”? At the very end when there are no words anymore, correct? If the latter is the case (which I assume), then probably it is not too good to put all incorrect answered questions to the very end of the session (as you might have forgot already)?
I found a new script from you:
“Memrise Learning Retries
This userscript stops words from dropping out of the session when ‘planting’ them in a learning session. If you answer incorrectly, you are given a reminder of the answer after which you get another go at answering. Subsequently, all words are fully planted at the end of the session.”
Probably my English is too bad to understand what the combination of “planting”, “incorrect answers” and “(planted) at the end of the session” means and how that compares to the previous user script “Wrong answer skips”
The good news is that even setting “maxTestAdds = 1” it worked quite good for a “learning/planting session”.
The script URL pattern is matched not only for “garden/review/" but also "course//garden/*”.
But I could get successfully through the 6 step flower planting phase, even when I answered some typing questions wrong (your 2nd user script “Memrise Learning Retries” is not yet installed).
Thanks for your hard work!