Review broken again?

Where: from the website
Words: I have 504 difficult words to review
Button: orange, the problem happens in the ‘difficult words section’

I’m also getting strange behaviour on web, whereby if I answer a word incorrectly in a (normal) review session, I’ll be prompted to select a Mem as if I’m seeing the word for the first time in a learning session. @Joshua, are you able to investigate?

Still odd behaviour in Speed Review, such as reviewing 46 words and the words to review go down by one word or three only.

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I’ve had problems with speed review too, it started yesterday and today it’s just the same - when I do a session the number to review does not go down.

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Hi guys,
Apologies for the problems.
We’re working on a fix to Speed Review and it should be rolled out early next week.

one feature is for sure gone: until yesterday morning, it was possible to give the correct answer and then to click “see answer”, for the case you wanted to edit the entry (as creator), or to ckeck some mems… starting yesterday, clicking see answer after giving the right answer goes as wrong answer… a pity, i used this method to add (better) audio files to my own courses


I remember after last year’s problems it took me 3-4 days to work through the piled-up items for review, in their thousands. It does seem to be an annual technical difficulty, like a regularly recurring fever.

it must be sort of an update, now difficult words behaves the same as watering/review

The Speed Review seemed to be working OK on a Kurdish course I have started, but this has only c.760 words. The ones I have had problems with were in their thousands, the smallest, Advanced Spanish, being c.1200.

I guess everyone has already filled in the details, my problem is the same in that all courses are affected.

I did my daily reviews as normal, then I went back to the language page and started on the Modules/Levels, but it took me a couple of these before I noticed I was being short changed. So I did a little experiment to see what was wrong, and there I noticed it for sure. Reviewing has changed, but I have no idea why, it is behaving exactly like it does when I do the reviews from the home page, or suggested daily reviews. I like to do my reviews then go an do each individual module afterwards, as in all of the sentences/questions, but instead I am getting 10 of them.
I had wondered if it was a mistake or some thing, so I ran window washer and even deleted browsing history, I would have restarted my computer, but seeing as I just switched it on and went straight to Memrise, I saw no point in that.
So, what is going off, why is it doing this. Again, it is straight from the language section, not daily or suggested reviews.

I get a “Could not load the session. Sorry” when I try to review.

I’m noticing that none of my reviews are going down either, at least after doing speed reviews

Same thing has been happening to me.

I’ve been having the same thing. Although my reviews go down, they don’t go down the number of words I review.

Yes - I also found this a useful resource for checking to see if I had remembered that a word needed accents, given that those mistakes might otherwise go unrecorded. Here one can at least consult the list after the review exercise is complete, but it is (was) more convenient and reliable to do so right away.

the team should at least “admit” they changed the watering script…

The lack of review is a huge drawback. When I choose review, memrise considers it wrong. So not only can I not use my mems to remember a word or see it in context, but I also lose the ability to check if I missed special characters in my word, such as å, ä and ö.

This is on top of the dissociation of all my mems, which is adds time to re-associate them.

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speed review not functioning (does not affect the number of items left for watering):

Yes, still not working for me either. Updates on any prospects of correcting the situation would be welcome.