Cannot learn in my newly created course

I closed the duplicate thread that was started in the “Course Creators’ Corner” Category because the Forum guidance frowns on cross-posting the same thing in multiple topics. @Joshua or @Lien, could someone take a look at @Piotr_Ziolo’s bug, please? Thanks!

@Piotr_Ziolo I suggest creating a new course seeing as you don’t have much progress in this one and avoid deleting all levels inside the course. You can also use the learn button within each individual levels. In the meantime, will look for a solution to fix this annoying bug.

I came to the same conclusion that the problem must have been with that I deleted all levels and then recreated them. Probably it is hardcoded that the main “Learn” button leads to the first level ever created, and when it’s deleted, it no longer works. So I suppose that the bug is in the code of the “delete” button and nowhere else. It just should update the first level correctly.

I’ll probably make a new course, like you suggested. However, I’ve seen on this forum that there is a problem with bulk addition of words, that every 100th word is not added. Is it still a problem? I wouldn’t like to add 1000+ words by hand again.

@Piotr_Ziolo ~ As far as I know the 100th word is still missing from bulk upload. But you can still add 1.000 words. Just know that 10 of them will need to be added again (the 100th, 200th, etc.). If you have them numbered (like I do in Excel) that is not a problem. Just upload the 1.000 and then just re-upload the missing 10 from your Excel list as a separate upload. If they need to be in some kind of logical order, you can move the errant ones to where they need to be once they are inside Memrise. No need for manual upload.

Thx for the advice :slight_smile:

But is there an option to download all words to a csv file or any other format? I added them manually, so I do not have a file with these words.

Are you asking if you can output them from an existing Memrise course, so you can upload them again into another new course ? If that is your question, then yes, you can. If that is not your question, then perhaps I am confused by what you are asking.

This is precisely what I’m asking about :slight_smile:

Yes, you can do this. I have done it for my courses. There is even a description of how to do it somewhere in this forum. I will take a look. But maybe some other users more familiar with the search function of this new forum can find it faster than I can. (It was added here a while ago.) I’ll look in the meantime…

OK. I found it already. This is a copy+paste method. And the one with webpage. I’ll give it a try. Thx.

You are good ! Yeah, that was the one I was thinking of. It is very easy. Personally, I could never get the to work, so I just use the old copy and paste logic. Good luck with whatever you use !

Unfortunately none of these methods could handle alternative versions of words. OMG, so much work again :frowning:

OMG, I made a new course and moved all words there, I clicked “Add level”, then went to the database, automatically created levels from words, and then deleted the first two created with “add level” button. And there’s the same problem with the course!!!

I don’t see any way to make a working course, as now I did the absolutely minimal set of actions. The only other way would be to do all manually. But I would not risk another 10-15 hours of work to be wasted.

@Piotr_Ziolo ~ this is really, really odd. Do you want to add me as a contributor and maybe I can give it a whirl and see if anything looks amiss. I’ve created dozens of public and private courses, several with thousands of words in each, and one with more than 90 levels in it, and never saw anything like this.

I added you. I’d be grateful, if you look what’s wrong :slight_smile:

In case you coudn’t find it:

@Piotr_Ziolo ~ I replied with a thread in your course. Please read, and let me know the results. It is late here, so I won’t see the response until tomorrow. But I don’t think things look gloomy. I think there is hope for your course. Just need more time tomorrow to try other things. Sorry.

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Great thanks pdao :slight_smile: I responded in the thread you created in my course.


Automatically creating levels may be the cause of this. Here’s the problem.

A solution is to edit each individual level. Edit the level, add or remove a word, save the level, go back into the level, This will update the number of words inside the level. If you added a word, edit the level, remove the new word then save the level.

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Joshua, works like charm now, after the trick you proposed. Thank you very much :slight_smile: