Course only with sounds and images

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Por que não funciona?

Estou tentando montar para minha filha de 5 anos e posteriormente abrir para outras crianças, só com sons e imagens, mas não está funcionando corretamente.

Fiz algo errado ou é problema no sistema de vocês?

Could you evaluate this course?
Why it does not work?

I’m trying to create, for my 5 years old daughter, and later to open to other children, only with sounds and images, but is not working properly.

Did I do something wrong or is system problem?

I hope you don’t mind… I tried it… and it works for lessons containing numbers and letters, but for those with pics… it says I already learned all :frowning:

Can you either

a) provide screenshots of your database and the settings for each column

b} add someone as a contributor so they can have a look at your set-up. I would be happy to volunteer, I’ve made a lot of courses over the years, but never one with audio and pictures.

Having had a quick look at your levels you have pictures as both question and answer. You need to look at the settings of the audio column.

What is written where my arrow is pointing? Mine is test on picture column prompt with sound . Then you’ll get this (image below)

LOOMAD / Animals - by Atikker - Memrise - a link to that course alsp if you want to see how my 2 and 4 yo are playing with audio

You should put… prompt with audio if you haven’t done that already

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the same happens here.

@marciojmendes-HFGW-T did you check the test/promt ratio… there is smth wrong. Look at the images I sent. It seems you have the same columns for test and promt

You can learn one item only once. If you want it to be up for learning in more than one lessons you have to put in different database

This should hopefully fix your problem.