Vocês poderiam avaliar esse curso?
Por que não funciona?
Estou tentando montar para minha filha de 5 anos e posteriormente abrir para outras crianças, só com sons e imagens, mas não está funcionando corretamente.
Fiz algo errado ou é problema no sistema de vocês?
Could you evaluate this course?
Why it does not work?
I’m trying to create, for my 5 years old daughter, and later to open to other children, only with sounds and images, but is not working properly.
a) provide screenshots of your database and the settings for each column
b} add someone as a contributor so they can have a look at your set-up. I would be happy to volunteer, I’ve made a lot of courses over the years, but never one with audio and pictures.
@marciojmendes-HFGW-T did you check the test/promt ratio… there is smth wrong. Look at the images I sent. It seems you have the same columns for test and promt