"With goal set" contains completed course // SOLVED

I can only assume this is a bug: After completing one of my courses it is still stuck in the section “with goal set”.

I know that originally that section also contained completed course but ordered them so that incomplete courses were on top, even after reaching the daily goal. This has been changed for quite a while now and thus I’m assuming that this section now should only contain courses that still need to be completed.

Since you cannot change goals once completed (at least on Mobile you can change the amount), I don’t really have a nice way of solving this.
One way is probably to just reset part of the course and remove the daily goals. However, since this may turn out to be a rather frequently encountered bug it is better if it was just resolved.

Yes, this behaviour has been around for a while. Therefore I activated the group-feature again. One of my groups contains courses to be finished, one consists of courses already finished and one group is for courses I occasionally work on. I bookmarked the groups page to minimize clicking around. Can live with this, though its not nice …

I’ve been using that since I believe over a year now.
The “With goal set” I use to quickly check whether I have completed the daily goals for my uncompleted courses yet. That’s why I don’t want it to become clustered with completed courses (without them being grouped together at the bottom).

Hi, here’s how to remove completed courses from the “with goal set” filter.
Below is a screenshot of a completed course in my “with goal set” filter.

To remove the complete course, simply tap the course name to enter the course overview screen. Then enter any level of your choice.

Click the home tab and,

hey presto, the completed course has now been removed from the filter.


It doesn’t work for me

About a month ago they changed something on the website - before that it used to work.
Also see here (possible workarounds included)

This is my workaround:
when I start a new course, I ignore a single word - maybe the last word in the course.
When the course is finished and I want to remove it from the “With goal set” dashboard, I un-ignore this word, open the “With goal set” dashboard and voila! it becomes possible to edit the goal. I turn off the goal, and AFTER THAT learn the last word.
How to (un)ignore a word - follow the instructions by @Joshua above, and when you have a course level open, click the “Ignore” button on the right top of the word list. Then (un)tick the words you want to (un)ignore.

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