Typed answers requested when NOT set up

On one of the courses I look after, one of the columns accepts tapping answers but typing is NOT ticked.

Yesterday when watering, most (if not all) the questions were tapping questions.
(Other times I sometimes get pairing from 6 or 8 choices)
Anyway, I got one tapping question wrong and the next time I was asked to TYPE the whole phrase.

Thinking the typing must be ticked, I checked the column and it was NOT ticked. So it must be a bug.

Incidentally, when will Contributors be allowed to un-tick and other functions (eg rename columns) that only Creators can do?

Last time I looked, it said Contributors can do everything a Creator can except delete a course.

Cc @MemriseMatty

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I have the opposite problem - I’m using the “All typing” userscript and it stopped working today.

I suppose they changed something in the background.


I don’t use a script but definitely got a lot more multiple choice questions today. Making it far too easy.


Hi @MemriseMatty this is still happening.
Namely, after an incorrect tapping answer, I am given a typing test even though it is not set up as that (ie unticked)!

I am using the pure MemRise web facility with the inbuilt testing options (not some user-script).

Have you seen this thread too:

There are quite a few reports today about this same problem,

Interesting I seem to ONLY be getting tapping tests in the first instance (when the answer is three or more words) not a mixture with pairing (selecting the right matched answer from 6 or 8 alternatives).

I have tapping tests turned off in the settings, that might be the reason why I mostly get multiple choice questions now.

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I’ve tapping tests turned off too.

@MemriseMatty replied with this:

We are aware of some changes that have arisen, which have affected some courses on Memrise, and hope to have more information on this soon. We have a team who will be posting an update on the community forum outlining the current situation regarding typing tests / tapping tests.

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I’ve also found this rather long and related thread:

Hi @MemriseMatty this is still happening, although not every time.
Once after an incorrect tapping answer I was asked to pair match.

Interesting. My main grumble with tapping tests (on the web version) is that, since the most recent (unannouced/unexplained) change, once you have tapped the correct sequence your answer is accepted automatically without the need to click on “Enter”. You can therefore just keep re-selecting the sequence until your answer turns green (or you get timed out).

Also interesting. Have you seen a more recent list of what a contributor can and can’t do than the one in the Course Creation area of the Knowledge Base? That’s one I still refer back to. Is it out of date?

Many thanks @alanh

Have you seen a more recent list of what a contributor can and can’t do than the one in the Course Creation area of the Knowledge Base? That’s one I still refer back to. Is it out of date?

I suspect you mean this one (which I had not seen before):


What can a course contributor do / not do?

A course contributor can: create levels, add items/words to levels/databases, correct errors, respond to course users, record audio voices, upload audio voices, upload images, delete audio files, delete images.

course contributor can’t: delete a course, delete a database, add a column into the database, rename a database or column, change testing styles and database options.


I was referring to this one (below).
If you go to add a contributor to a course (in edit mode) you are greeted with this message (which is the only one I had seen and is where one would expect to get clear instructions):

Adding a contributor grants them full edit access on this course (except only the creator may delete the course). Contributors can also add/remove other contributors.

So they do not agree and that statement (within the course) is not correct.

Incidentally this quote (from the Knowledge Base):

respond to course users,

was obviously written when courses had their own (automatic) Course Forum.

This is how it used to work and then it was changed so that you had to click to check it, then it was returned to automatic.

Personally I prefer that as sometimes the user (non MemRise) courses I am doing are not the way I would say a phrase in Italian.

I hadn’t seen the one you were referring to as I haven’t added a contributor recently. Clearly, there’s an inconsistency and, from your OP, it sounds like (at least some of) the restrictions listed in the Knowledge Base entry are still being applied. :confounded:

@MemriseMatty - Can you advise, please?

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“All Quiet on the Western Front.” (I think they must be busy with other things.)

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Hi @joshua, I wanted to report that when doing a course (this morning), that does NOT require typing or tapping it has suddenly started asking me to tap words in sequence (from a selection) despite both being un-ticked.

Has there been an update or change to cause this bug to re-appear?

Cc @Lien @MemriseMatty @BeaTrisy

PS AND typing has just been requested!

This is the course:
