Until today, in courses with typing tests enabled, Memrise has retested partially correct answers (yellow) by reshowing the typing test, and wrong answers (red) by showing a multiple choice. I use CoolJingle’s “all typing” userscript to disable the latter behaviour. However, today the userscript has stopped working and the multiple choice tests seem to be appearing without any clear resason - items I got partially correct yesterday have sometimes been retested with a mulitple choice, items I got wrong yesterday maybe with a typing test, and items which have just arisen in the normal testing schedule seemingly with either. Are other users experiencing similar difficulties? Could a Memrise member of staff explain?
There are quite a few reports today about this same problem, the all-typing user script no longer working, and also the opposite problem, that is typing required when not requested.
I know that this answer doesn’t help you solve anything, but it does show that it’s a widespread problem, and a response from staff would be appreciated. Some related reports:
Thanks. At least I know I’m not going crazy!
For information this is what @MemriseMatty replied with :
We are aware of some changes that have arisen, which have affected some courses on Memrise, and hope to have more information on this soon. We have a team who will be posting an update on the community forum outlining the current situation regarding typing tests / tapping tests.
@cooljingle, hey this is happening again. In review, if I get the answer wrong, it’s making me do a multiple choice.
Thanks - fixed it! Latest version is 0.1.7