Memrise Release Notes - 16 Feb 2017 - Updated

please make the multiple choice option ( instead of typing) optional. you will see lots of your customers (especially web based ones) not happy about this change.


Hi there. How come phrases longer than 15 characters no longer have typing tests? My husband I both feel this is NOT a positive change and makes the learning process much easier. Please consider going back to the old way. Or at least if we are choosing from a list of 4 - 6 phrases for the correct answer, make the phrases very, very similar.

Would love to know why this change. We don’t like it at all.

Thank you.


The elimination of typing for answers longer than 15 characters diminishes the value of Memrise considerably. I will have to reconsider the use of this platform - and I am a paying customer.

Not an improvement people. Very poor choice.


I couldn’t agree more. I am forced to use a script that renders the learning experience boring by basically being “typing only.” The alternative, with multiple choice only for 15 characters or over, will not teach me the language. It’s nothing but a waste of time. This is terribly disappointing and I can’t imagine I will continue to be a paying customer for long as the boredom sets in. But I know we all complained heartily about it when they experimented with it a few months ago, and we never got a response, and apparently memrise doesn’t care about web users. So I’m not expecting anything.


funny thing is that this is the 2nd time they do this. about two months ago the same problem happened but they reversed it when they see the comments. this time they are happy to sacrifice the professionalism in the favor of mediocrity. and apparently they are not capable to make this optional at least


Hi @BeaTrisy,

Can I draw this (possible bug/ unforeseen consequence) to your attention:

Typed answers requested when NOT set up

I am disappointed with the elimination of typing for answers longer 15 characters. It does not work the tapping tests and the tapping learn of phrases and sentences. I am a paying customers. This is the bad choice. I can´t learn phrases and sentences. At this point memrise is good for nothing for me.


Oh no I loved the typing tests too… why did you removed them? Maybe you could make that an option so that the ones who want them can easily switch them on :slight_smile:


I too am disappointed by the removal of typing for answers longer than 15 characters. I specifically switched to using the web version to increase the difficulty by typing answers while using the app for regular speed reviews.

I feel that the multiple choice reviews do not benefit my learning nearly as much as typing answers out, even if it is sometimes annoying to have to redo the whole answer just because of a typo. Since the change went live, I noticed how I intuitively spend less time looking at new sentences I learned because I knew they would be easy enough to pick in a multiple choice answer. It also removes the rewarding feeling of typing out a long sentence and getting a green bar.

I would very much welcome a setting to either disable multiple choice tests altogether, or maybe influence that 15 character cutoff. It would fit right in with the tapping test setting IMHO.


this update seems to have put the courses that I am learning back on my dashboard, so I don’t have to go on courses to access them, so this update is good for me :slight_smile:

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I agree with all those who regret the disappearance of the typing test for >15 characters questions. Giving a choice would have been soooo much more helpful. All the more because, personally I tend to use the dictation via microphone for those long questions so as to work on my pronunciation. Please bring that back!

Besides, two things could really be useful:

  1. a button to access directly the forum thread devoted to a course from the page of said course
  2. if there are some more in-house courses in the pipeline, it’d be great if that was to be announced ahead of time!

Thx keep on the good work (but bring the typing tests back)


I don’t understand whom this change is serving. I have not seen any comments praising it, that’s for sure. If the problem is that people are annoyed when typos ruin their long typed answers, it would seem that the obvious solution is a “ignore/typo” button. I know I’ve wanted one many a time. And, as has been said by several people, why not make it optional? That would seem to be quite easy to do. I just don’t get it.


Just adding my voice to those already expressing dismay. I’ve tried the new way with tricks like formulating the answer in my head before my eyes land on the always-very-obvious answer. Guess what: I’m not learning! Nothing sticks. I’m not, er, ‘memrising’ anything!

I’m a Pro member and will be asking for a pro-rated refund, and obviously won’t be renewing. I’ve just subscribed to another paid online language platform.

Thanks Memrise, I learned a lot using your platform over the past year, but there’s nothing for me here anymore.


that’s a very good point. now that memrise team decided to completely ignore us, I demand full refund.
it’s not enough to just cancle renewal, I cannot justify another two months look at the stupid upgrade of yours

Memrise has a very large data base of users doing the official courses. I would presume that Memrise made this choice for their official courses based on data.

You know you could copy the sentences into your own typing-only course if that’s how you’d like to practice them? Your learning doesn’t have to be limited by this change.


are you serious? you think we have time or we have to spend our time to correct memrise mess? why memrise wouldn’t put simply an option on the setting?


OK, maybe there’s no need to through around the C word so much, it’s only an update, things can come back to normal pretty quickly.

That being said people have been complaining pretty vocally for a week now and the Memrise team still has not replied, if nothing else to tell us to fuck off or at the very least to defend their choice. Why?


Phrases longer than 15 characters for Official Memrise courses will no longer have typing tests.

I’d like to voice my disappointment with this change. Typing tests are a valuable component for committing phrases to memory. Without this the product will not meet my needs and I’ll have to cancel my pro membership.


Was Memrise useful to your learning? Would you like to continue learning the way you used to?

Then I think that it could be profitable for you to spend that time to “correct the mess”.

Asking “do we have to” is the wrong question, I think – assigning fault or blame for a mess is not helpful if your goal is to learn a language (or learn biology facts or whatever you were practising).

If you do not have the time to do that, then you will have to spend time to find something else that teaches you at least as well – that’s also time that has to come from somewhere. (Unless you already know of a resource that is at least as good as the original was.)

Or you can decide that you don’t want to learn any more. That’s also a valid decision.


The one big issue I have with memrise is that exercises are way too easy especially after I already spent a while on a course.

And now you even disable typing for anything that is not trivial???

Usually I can guess the correct answer from context alone, for example by available letters on the on-screen “keyboard” or by multiple choice options that are just obviously way off.

That’s why memrise also fails to detect which words are really difficult to me.

I was about to propose an option to disable the on-scren letters or maybe automatically hide them on repeat-lessons,

I have a big passive vocabulary by now, but I fell I am stuck in my progress because memrise exercises are too easy.

Looking forward to the immersion mode coming to Swedish, but otherwise I am looking for alternative ways to learn and advance.

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