[Site Feedback] Wish list

I know the team have a lot on their plates and don’t want to waste time looking at what users want but…

I’ve just decided to start a list, for myself more than anything else, and would like to share the file so that you may want to add your wishes too. Who knows? Perhaps someone from the team may need some inspiration at some point and they’d go, aha, let me take a look at that wish list… :yum:

Anyway, it’s here. Join in if you dare… :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:


I have a very simple wish (at least I think it is simple). I “wish” that Memrise could somehow also allow for testing/reviewing words in logical order, as well as random. This would allow course creators to enter conversational dialogues, poems, songs, etc. in the word order in which they are intended; and allow course users to learn the material in the word order in which they are intended. It could open up a whole new avenue of learning.

Maybe to accomplish this, a course would need to have an extra setting or such to accommodate the orderliness (or override the randomness) of the database entries. I don’t know. I’m not a programmer, just a course creator and course learner, with a “wish” list. Thanks.


@pdao It’s not my idea for wishes to be voiced here. Staff have already expressed that they are not interested in wish lists because they need to concentrate on existing issues and projects. Read what I posted again, please.

Thanks for the response. The title of your post, as I read it without being fully awake at the time, was intriguing, though ambiguous. It seemed to me that you were creating a list for yourself mainly, and so I thought I would offer a wish item as well. I didn’t fully realize what you were suggesting me to do with that item until I did in fact re-read your post. Apology given.

But, in my defense, when and where did Memrise state to the community at large that they were no longer interested in user input (i.e. wish lists or otherwise). I have been actively reading/writing posts on the forum for a long time, but somehow if there was this type of announcement from Memrise staff, I must have overlooked it, or forgotten it, Again, apology given. Had I known about this new change in mandate, I would not have suggested a “wish” item publicly.

I will just focus on learning from now on and let these forum issues sort themselves out. Have a good day !


I already have a pretty long list, I’ve been keeping it for a few years. In 2013 and 2014 I occasionally posted items from my list, either ones that seemed easy to implement or ones I thought were most important. Since late 2014, though, I’ve stopped posting them. At first, it was because memrise kept breaking things, and I concentrated on trying to get them to fix what they broke. By mid-2015, though, it became clear that they were no longer paying attention to user suggestions and requests and hadn’t since sometime in 2014, and it was getting increasingly difficult to get them to even comment on suggestions from the past - even ones that had gotten significant attention from other users.

However, I continue to maintain my list for how memrise could be better, and it has grown over the past year and a half even while I haven’t posted any more. Someday if memrise actually shows a sign of caring about what users thing, and of wanting to improve their system rather than futz with it on whims and keep making it worse, then I would post some.

My biggest section is about course creation, because there are a lot of obstacles to making great courses effectively, and a lot of things they could add that would help people very quickly and powerfully improve their courses even without changing anything about how people take courses (on any platform).


@cos [quote=“cos, post:5, topic:85”]
if Memrise actually shows a sign of caring about what users think, and of wanting to improve their system rather than fuss with it on whims and keep making it worse,

Yea. I’ve seen it so often. Like the latest planetarium screen. Hate it. And when everyone wants to see their daily status…

I think that the crowd is not big enough for revolution. I don’t know how big was the old forum and how active, I am relatively new here, but among 500+ members of the Beta Testers maybe 15 of us is active. And Memrise has many millions of users.
OK, you hate it, and that 10-15 on the G+ and maybe… I don’t know…100 on the forum. That’s not enough!!!
We are there mainly to fix mistakes in practice. If we have some ideas, we’ll write it down and that’s it. It’s their application and people will exept the changes wheather they like it or not. They’ll get used to it anyway! Or leave!
I don’t think that they are completely deaf to our suggestions. They brought back the review numbers to the course-pictures. We campaigned loudly! Or maybe they would bring it back even without our suggestion. Who knows!
I don’t see Memrise as my “child”!

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what doi you mean by that, exactly?:bulb:

I don’t know if the Beta app is different from the non-Beta, or whether you are a tester or not, but I was referring to the tab with the courses and that, at first, the number of words for reviewing was not pointed out, and now it is on the pictures of each courses.

For me, that isn’t half as important as the daily count - several steps are still needed for us only to know whether we’ve reached the goal or not. We still can’t tell how many more points are needed - only that little coloured circle to help us guess. Rather pitiful. I always go to the web to check my status - which courses I haven’t reached the goal for yet and how many more points are needed. On the web, we can see all our courses and the daily status very quickly. It ought to be the same in the app.

I don’t give many points to the planetarium, really. It wastes more of my time than anything else. :rage:

So, I really don’t know if they listen or not…

Any chance of a screen shot of the Planetarium?

I’m not sure if I recognise it. I’ve not seen any Constellations.

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As you probably know Cos, (from what I previously posted to this new Forum) or even reading my suggestions and comments that were voted on (in that Forum that only the MemRise team have access to now), I used to be very active and was always keen to offer suggestions to help us, either as a Creator/ Contributor or a long-standing experienced user.

I would love to post suggestions too ChiewPang, but I think they are not ready to think about them.

@DW7 for your viewing pleasure…

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Many thanks ChiewPang,

No wonder I didn’t know what you meant as I haven’t seen it before - must be an ‘app’ feature.

Nice to see you are learning Italian - I’m supporting many of the Italian courses.


@DW7 It’s beta. That’s an awful lot of courses you’ve got there, mate! The Italian’s mine - learning while creating. It’s got the best audio in Memrise :yum: blows trumpet
Check it out: http://www.memrise.com/course/696252/open-university-italian-level-0-a2-full-audio/
I’m also learning Indonesian, French and German (to a fashion). Severely disappointed with the audio level in the official Memrise courses.
Always on the lookout for courses with loud, clear audio: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LzLqZsgF1xR6bDkr9qoqANkQWTOsYR2fde8943aurpQ/edit#gid=0

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(I don’t know what is this inflated audio problem)

If this is still a wish list, I want an override typos/dismiss typos button. Among others :birthday:

Many thanks ChiewPang,

I would love to do your course, I’ll try and do it sometime.

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I’d like also to see that the team answers finally the concerns about course forums…

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