Course Creator's Wish List

6) I have often suggested a rethink on categories for non language courses.

There are many geography, astronomy/ star, painting/ art, geology/ earth science courses that are in several different categories and some rationalisation would be appreciated. (For instance I don’t think GCSE, AS or A level geography courses should be under “Trivia”.)


These two suggestions may help in knowing if a course has been abandoned.

7) I would like the statistics currently shown as (current)Week” and (current)Month” on every course (or person’s total point score if they are listed on our “following” data) to be a rolling “7 day” and a rolling “4 weeks”.

8) I would like an indication when a user/ creator was last active.


9) There is a problem with answers beginning with a number, as the answer is wrongly given as correct when typing if the same start matches a wrong answer.

For instance in this simple fictitious example:

A picture of an apple has the answer of "1 apple"
A picture of a banana has the answer of "1 banana"
A picture of a pear has the answer of “1 pear

If the question shows the picture of the apple and I think the answer is “1 pear” after typing “1” it will say I have answered correctly!

I have genuine courses and reasons where the above situation arises, where different entries can have the same starting number yet the second part of the text is completely different. (And I do not want to remove typing tests.)

It would be nice if this bug which I reported many years ago, was resolved.


I have a very long list of things that would make course creation easier or better, but I don’t really see the point of going to the effort of writing it all up when memrise is just going to ignore it. (my list is a list of brief one-liners; I understand what each one means, but I’d have to convert some of them to paragraphs or more to explain them)


10) A button to add x number of levels. At the moment to create a level = Click “Add Level” - “Select Language” again and again. It drives me insane. Yes I know there’s kind of a feature for doing this but it cuts in chunks, which doesn’t work when you’re doing levels of different sizes.
11) An advanced function to “Find duplicates” - to help find problems in my courses. It should show duplicates in my source language and in the definitions. Help improve course quality.
12) Show the level in the database search! Preferably with a dropdown so I can change it. Moving words between levels is horrible.
13) Ability to maintain mems. Delete mems I don’t like, and order the best mems at the front.
14) An advanced function to Find all words that don’t have audio. The only way to find words where I’ve forgotten to add audio is to open every level and manually check.


@DW7 ~ hope all is well with you. Several months ago, @ChiewPang was also collecting a wish list from users. Here is the link to his post: [Site Feedback] Wish list

Maybe you can share ideas, thoughts, and comments amongst your various lists. (Bearing in mind that his list was geared towards site ideas, yours is course creator ideas, but there are obvious crossovers)


Thank you @guestgulkan for your helpful suggestions.

Whether the MemRise team have the time to consider any of these suggestions, I don’t know - but they may one day - and I think it would prove interesting if they saw the issues which we have identified and the solutions we have proposed.

Cc @Joshua


Thanks @Pdao for that.

I did search to see if this already existed and it never came up while typing (a useful feature) either.

I also agree with you that @ChiewPang’s

list [could be] geared towards site [ie the user’s] ideas, [this list can be for] course creator ideas, but there are obvious crossovers

(Quote edited to express my thoughts.)

So I hope this list will be useful and we all ought to check which suggestions we’ve made could go into both list. Hope everyone is happy with that.

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Thanks for your comments @cos

I have a very long list of things that would make course creation easier or better, but I don’t really see the point of going to the effort of writing it all up . . .

I do remember a long time ago we did say we wondered what the point was and we were disappointed that many of those ideas were already documented on other Forums - one of which is still accessible to the team, however I suppose I have now changed my mind and think there is some merit to share ideas with new contacts, here.

If we do get some positive encouraging feedback (even a vote of thanks, say) from the MemRise team, then I guess you may then like to add to the list.

Anyway, thanks for your reply.


I’ve just had a “pop-up” advert about the MemRise 1-hour learning experiment on my home page, so that’s one way it could be announced.

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15) An easy way to search all levels so I don’t need to manually open every level and search it to find what I’m looking for. Really a big pain once there’s a lot of levels.

16) A “Show all/Hide all” button to open/close all levels. Even just this would help with 15) because you could open all levels and do an F search. Still a pain but a lot easier than it is now.


Hi @A_User re

15) An easy way to search all levels so I don’t need to manually open every level and search it to find what I’m looking for.

I presume you know you can search the whole database easily - although it will find the entry you are looking for, it does not tell you which level it is in (unless you have set up a level indicator or unique level description in say an attribute column).

Searching the whole database in one go is very helpful if you have several entries that have similarities, as it will show all of them.

Ask if you need clarification.

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Actually I hadn’t found that yet, thank you! It doesn’t seem to be the most useful search, though… For instance, I searched my Slow Finnish course for “I am fine, thank you” and got a variety of more or less related things, including some that are very much less, like “Finland is in Europe”. I’m not sure how that’s supposed to have anything to do with what I searched for. That wouldn’t be much of a problem, if the exact matches were at the top, but they aren’t. Nor is it sorted by level. It appears to be entirely random. So if something has a lot of results come up you still need to wade through them all to find the ones you’re looking for. So that’s hardly an ideal solution even if they do add the level.

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Hi @A_User,

Actually I hadn’t found that yet, thank you!

See PM just sent.

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My first thought too (sadly) - I still remember the excitement and hope when the old feedback forum started, lots of great ideas from users, mostly unacknowledged or ignored by Memrise.

But … here goes :sunflower:

This has long been asked for, both the ability to change the order of the columns and also to change their status between testable column/attribute. @DW7 Attribute columns can’t be made to appear after tests at all as far as I’m aware. A 3rd testable column can be. I didn’t know about the ‘flash after a test’ feature (very useful with the pronunciation since I don’t have audio on my courses) but my pronunciations have all been added as an attribute column. I’ve spend a lot of time manually duplicating them in a testable column to be able to use that feature.

That would be great, often I want to add a related item near to an existing one but finding a word in a course is not easy. The ability to do a database search for items not in a level - picks up all those mistake entries or ones that need to be used somewhere!

And a few other suggestions …

16) An undo bulk add button.

17) Numbered items in a level. A database search could then give a ‘level X/number Y’ for an item.

18) A move to ‘level X/number Y’ feature available on the edit levels page (and database as mentioned above ).

19) Some hint to whether alternatives have been added, preferably showing how many per item.

That’ll do for now but there are more… :smile_cat:


20) When bulk adding words - all information in the columns of the bulk add should be added to the course.

Currently if a creator has selected to use a wiki and there is a match for the the first two columns of a bulk add it uses the wiki entry, overwriting the bulk add entry - not so great if you’ve gone to the trouble of adding attributes etc. and the wiki hasn’t!


Quite right I remember thinking this a long time ago @leggi

21) ability to change . . . .column … status between testable column/ attribute.


Attribute columns can’t be made to appear after tests at all as far as I’m aware. A 3rd testable column can be. I didn’t know about the ‘flash after a test’ feature (very useful with the pronunciation since I don’t have audio on my courses)

I knew it could be done somehow but had forgotten, although I did mean the “flash top right after testing” which might be the attribute column - but I can’t remember for sure.

I’ve spend a lot of time manually duplicating them in a testable column to be able to use that feature.

22) It would be nice to be able to duplicate columns automatically to make this easier.

  1. An undo bulk add button.

Have you tried “Control + Z” - that has helped me with things. (The only other way is to laboriously deleted them from the database.)

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How do you all cope with bulk add if one of the columns has a photo/ picture?

23) I don’t think one can bulk add with pictures, so does it all go wrong?

A simple solution would be nice.

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@DW7 I haven’t tried "Control + Z’’ I’ve had a couple of bulk adds go wrong in the past, so now I do all my bulk uploads on a test course first :sunglasses: but if I will try the “Control + Z”.

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@leggi - I haven’t tried "Control + Z’’

It certainly has helped me out of problems when I have inadvertently deleted an entry in a data field which I wanted to modify but it was highlighted and I’ve deleted everything.

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