Suggestion Thread

That could work. But Memrise contains no “Achievements”. So not sure if it could work.

I mean. Your friend ??? has reached the level 3 of french 2.

Why do you keep deleting things? :frowning:

Hey, because that looks like a private chat, and obviusly isn’t it. So the staff has to delete personal conversations bro.

Re: Toby - The thing I deleted now was my reply earlier regarding my not being able to come un-delete my previous suggestion. :stuck_out_tongue: The previous suggestion (while awaiting deletion) got moved to spam, so there wasn’t really any reason for me to leave the post from earlier saying I’d get back to my pc later and having explained that I’d originally removed my suggestion for fear that perhaps it was a redundant suggestion (I don’t have pro, I wasn’t sure if pro has it already.)

((For the purpose of this not being a totally useless post, the original suggestion regarded adding a settings option to never have “speed review” come up in the rotation.))

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I very much like speed review idea, the timer is completely rubbish most of the time and doesn’t give any chance to react

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Please give option to remove or adjust the timer.


A timer based on the length of the phrase would be best. It’s fine for one or two words as it is, but for anything longer you have to pick a key word and look for that, which isn’t practicing quite what you want to be.


Not sure if this would class as a “bug” or something needing to be suggested, as I don’t know the programmers intent on the web vs app versions.

On the website I can set a course to not have a daily goal, however these courses show up in the app version with the daily goal icon still present and grey (i.e. needing to be completed.) I’d prefer these to behave similarly to the website (I can’t specifically set “no goal” via the app even if I go into the goal settings.)

On the app each day I essentially go through and do each item that has a grey icon, to complete the goal.
There are obviously some courses I’ve finished and like to keep for if I feel like doing a review, but won’t need often, so I’d rather the icon not show on those (as it does in the web version, I only use the website for adding courses etc, but for doing sessions I use my phone (android). I’ve actually had to just “quit” some of my completed courses instead of keeping them around due to this.

((Edit 11/8/18: On further looking into it, this may actually be related to the issue where to courses word-count in the app is higher than what is actually present, as is the case on some of the courses I’ve completed. Flunz Mandarin 1+2 and Fluenz Mandarin 3 are both doing this on my app (Android.) However I’ve just noticed a Japanese course I finished a few years ago actually is behaving as it should… Agh! Still, it would be good to be able to turn off daily goals in the app, like you can on the website, then I could get around it that way too.))

Hi there, I was just reviewing one of my courses when it occurred to me that the automatic continuation when you get a word right makes it a little too easy. Maybe an option to turn it off for those who want a bit more of a challenge might be good? Just an idea.

Hi Marhall, I know you’ve been around a long time but have you seen these old threads? But I think the comments are still valid for MemRise and Decks.

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Pls add Hakka learning.

Hm, I’m not familiar with this. Explain?

Adding more time intervals for reviewing 360 is too little when you have huge number of words.

Hakka is a Chinese dialect (or language). Google at your side! :crazy_face:

Hello all! My Japanese class uses Memrise heavily and we noticed that you can no longer join user created courses from the mobile app. I can understand why you would want to promote the courses that you have created… they’re great and I am in all of the levels. But some of the user courses are helpful for what we are learning in class. Yesterday, one student was unable to enroll in the course that we needed because we don’t have computers in class. If you could add this feature when you have time, I know the community as a whole would be very grateful. Thank you!

Assuming that you use an Android or iOS device to use Memrise, go through the device’s browser via to pick the course (change to the browser’s desktop view if required), provided you can go online of course.
Also, you can use the Decks “browser app” which is browser optimized albeit still in beta. To use Decks you’ll have to be online though (no offline mode - an app is allegedly in the makes).

Thank you for this suggestion! I am surprised we didn’t think of doing that :slight_smile:

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Nice to see you again @111100. :slight_smile:

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Fix the Search function and the Courses picking page please.
1.please, change the weird number of hours back to the amount of words in the course. I never got used to this, the supposed time to complete the course is totally irrelevant to me and I’d like to not have to open every course I am interested in just to see the main criteria I want to know.
2.let us filter the list by the amount of words, audio or not, typing or not
3.As was already mentioned, a rating mechanism would be great.

And one thing I would totally love: bookmarks! Having to start a course to not lose it is not practical. Nor is having a list saved in the browser. My dashboard is a mess. If I could have just the active courses there and the other bookmarked somewhere separate, it would be awesome.

Also, as the decks are now a separate site, perhaps they could be returned closer to the original flower metaphore. I still miss the beautiful and simple flowers of Memrise Beta. They were great and much more motivating than the ugly ones we’ve got ever since Memrise left beta.

I know that Decks are separate to not disturb in Memrise’s main project, their official courses. And we were worried that this separation was just a step towards removing the user courses completely. It may still happen, who knows. But I think Decks could also be a better project than the official Memrise courses and might even turn into a site I would gladly pay for.