Review broken again?

Well 2. and 3. are definitely not fixed for me. 4. is indeed fixed now.

Thanks for the update, @BeaTrisy, but I just tested, and I’m afraid #1,2,&4 are still present on my end. I tried answering a kana test with the kanji (and vice versa) and was marked wrong, previewing a level still gave me a random order, and after finishing a review session that earned both speed and accuracy points, only the base points were added to the goal. I was never clear on the issue with #3, so I can’t comment on that. Please feel free to ask if there’s any additional info that would be helpful.

Not yet fixed for 1., for me:

The course link is

but it is in all my courses.

I’m putting this here since a lot of the recent problems seem to be lumped in this thread.

In my own courses, i’m currently unable to drag a word item to a different place in a level’s list. Anyone else experiencing this? I can grab the word and move it but then it goes back to where it was after releasing.

newly this:

even if i unblock that ugly ziggy this how my profile looks like

@BeaTrisy, @daniel.zohar

Audio is not working.

Still having this problem:
I am currently doing the memrise course ‘Russian 5’. Today when I was reviewing words, memrise was faulting a lot of my correct answers. It happened with all the sentences, less with the single words. I checked and rechecked but the correct answer that was shown was identical to the answer I gave every single time (also I knew these sentences and words from the top of my head so I immediately knew there was something wrong). Because of this I am unable to finish the sessions because the system keeps faulting my correct answers. This is the first time it has happened, does anyone have the same problem?

There seem to be some positive developments today. All issues mentioned in @BeaTrisy’s recent post seem to be fixed now. Just in case any pop up again, I’m going to cross them out on my list, rather than delete them. If anyone’s still experiencing these issues, please post, and I’ll look into it again. I’ve been trying to experiment with other issues mentioned in this thread, but haven’t been able to produce them myself yet, so I’m unsure how to go about adding those to the list.

As far as my list goes, that leaves 1,2,&4 left to be resolved.

Also, is anyone still having issues with audio playing? I haven’t run into any yet, so I’m wondering if it got fixed before I got on today.

from that post you refer to, 2 and 3 are not solved; from your list… na tja… just a moment ago i pressed “pause” and it jumped again to the next item… I also tried - just for checking because is not really helpful with Italian - an audio review in one of my own courses, did not function

edit: after several tries, audio review seems to function somehow more often when accessed from the course page, but not when accessed from the dashboard (it does not open at all, or it freezes after one item)

I’m not learning any more words today, so I can’t verify what I’m about to say (whether it’s been fixed), but when I was in my learning sessions, the audio would play for only 2/3 of the 5 items. This made transcript courses (typing what the audio says) impossible.

@BeaTrisy, see answer/pressing escape is completely broken now. It just brings you to the next item, so there’s no way to review the definition or mems.

Thanks for the replies.

@Hydroptere. That would be the issues with preview showing a jumbled order and the image scrolling, right? Hmm… I just tested both again, and they still seem to be working normally. I hadn’t used the feature with scrolling through images prior to these updates, but if I understand correctly, the problem was that it wasn’t scrolling to the next image when pressing the arrows in the learning/review screens, right? Pressing them did nothing on my end when trying yesterday, but it seems to have the intended effect now, scrolling through the available images.

I haven’t been able to encounter the issue with speed review not loading either. It seems to work fine for me. Maybe it would help to post specific courses and levels where you’re running into the issues as examples. I could take a look to try to determine if it’s related to certain courses.

@TheFour-GatedDanzig Still no problems with audio on my end today. I tested it out a bit in a test course with audio set as the prompt too, in case that was the trigger, but I still haven’t been able to get it to refuse to play any audio yet. An example course and level would probably help here, too, if you continue to run into it later.

I’ll play around with them a bit more to see if I can figure anything out. Hopefully we’ll get an update tomorrow.

@BeaTrisy @daniel.zohar

Answers from other columns are no longer marked as incorrect :heavy_check_mark:

But, answers from other columns alternatives are still marked as incorrect ✘


Hi @TinyCaterpillar, Yes, the image-scrolling bug I flagged-up at post number 141 above is working today in my courses. Thanks for the fix, @BeaTrisy.

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Small update:

  • A fix for the issues surrounding Listening Skills sessions has just been released.

We’re currently still working on rectifying the issues reported, so keep an eye out for the next updates.

Thank you for all the information you’re providing and thank you for your patience.


Today I found that though my learning words is set to 10 words per learning session, in a learning session this limit was exceeded (in today’s particular level that was 12 words). Maybe something is off there with the newer update because this was working okay yesterday from what I remember.

Also, just wanted to again ask the staff if possible to please update us on any algorithm changes. Has there been recent changes? Are you going more towards the app’s algorithm? I feel the app’s algorithm was less efficient than what the website was and I, perhaps overly weary, feel like my words aren’t “sticking” as well as before on the website. Can you tell us your thoughts on the algorithm? Would you like some users to volunteer their learning time on a test account to test algorithm changes? I’m sure an effort could be initiated.

Things have been broken for a while. I am currently using the typing only script, but the audio still does not work right during reviews or adding new words. I only get audio when I get a word correct. There is no audio playback when I get something wrong. Hearing the words spoken when I get a word wrong is very important to help me remember.

@BeaTrisy, any news about the issues, in particular the “see answer” problem?

errr, I’m getting this error again.

And no, I don’t have scripts running.

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i have the impression that see answer/escape after giving the right answer are back to normal now? what a relief…

thanks, @BeaTrisy (or to whom fixed this)

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Gonna have to agree with this big time. If this was fixed then a hugely useful function was restored.