Number of learners stuck

Hi. I’ve been noticing for quite a few weeks that the amount of learners of my course is frozen. It was growing rapidly before, so it makes no sense that in several weeks it hasn’t got any new learners.

I think this might be some kind of bug, though I didn’t check if the same is going on for other courses as well 'cause I’m not familiar with the total learners of other courses.

Has anyone noticed this issue? Is there any way to fix it?

Link to my course, just in case: The Ultimate Kanji Course

Thank you very much in advance.

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I’ve noticed the same with both of my public courses, despite definitely seeing new users earning points in that time-frame.

I know of no way to fix it, unfortunately, so hopefully Memrise will eventually resolve it on their end.

The one course of mine that I had been keeping an eye on each day seemed to freeze about 3 or 4 days ago. Like @TinyCaterpillar, I noticed new names on the course leaderboard since then, though. :confused:

I hope it’s not another useful feature that we are going to lose. :worried:

Could @Lien, @daniel.zohar or @OliviaZavala please check and let us know? Thanks!


We’re deploying a release later today that should resolve the issue. Please do let us know if the problem is still there after tomorrow. Speak soon, Lien


I just checked and the learners have been updated. Thank you very much for your support!

ahem… some people quit courses after finishng them :sunglasses:. For ex: Hydroptère, saves the link if the course is hard to find, quits, but comes back several weeks later, to water drying plants. That might explain “stuck” numbers…

I don’t think that would explain a course switching from having over 300 new learners per month to being totally frozen, unless all of a sudden 300 “quitters” per month start finishing the course and leaving. Anyway, the problem has been solved by the Memrise staff already. Now the courses’ learners have been updated.

Thanks for the reply, @Lien.

My courses’ stats still seem to be stuck though, unfortunately.

Hmm. It seems to have been a partial fix then because the stats for the course I had been keeping an eye on had been updated when I checked this morning. :confused:

That release updated the count, at least for my
course, but it didn’t solve the problem, because it froze again after
the update.

Before the update, my course had been at 3.56k for a couple of weeks,
the day of the update, it suddenly went up to 3.91k, and it’s stuck at
3.91k again.

Please solve the issue. Thanks.

It still seems to be a bit of a random bug because the count for both my courses that I have been watching went up again overnight.

I wonder if the bug has anything to do with which category the course is in? I note that your courses - and @TinyCaterpillar’s - are Japanese courses. My two are both in the History and Geography category.

Anyway, @Lien has said that they are going to take another look this week, so hopefully they will be able to crack it.

Apologies for the delay with getting this fixed. I’m afraid we won’t be able to look into it until next week now, or even the week after.

If it´s any help @Lien, one of my two geography courses showed an increase again today - although not until an hour or two later than usual.

Although the other course didn’t show any change, that’s not unusual because the number is comparatively quite a lot smaller and doesn’t change every day anyway.

Hi, @Lien.

Is there any news on this? My courses’ stats still haven’t budged at all.

This bug still seems to be only affecting courses in certain categories (eg Japanese).

I continued checking my two geography courses, which had appeared to have become stuck, on a daily basis and they have both shown increases over the last week. They both went up again today.

I hope they can get to the bottom of why yours aren’t increasing, TC.

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Tagalog courses are also frozen. All of them, I think - there aren’t so many, so I’d notice.

Well, I’m not sure when it happened, but my courses’ counts seem to be updated again, and over the last few days, I’ve noticed that the numbers continue to change.

Thanks to whoever fixed it! Hopefully it’s working for everyone else who was having this issue, too.

Still no change for Tagalog. It’s been stuck for weeks on end now.

No change for my course either. It’s been stuck at the same number for over a month.

I really only see a slight bump in the courses with many users. The ones with few users don’t seem to budge.