Attributes refuse to show themselves

Sorry! I thought that putting the red boxes around the locations was enough.

Thank you. It did not affect the attributes though. And the course still appears to have zero users.

I had to go through imgur to get that pic here. Uploading it from my computer did not work.

If you go into the course, does it show the leaderboard?

Yes. Nice that at least something is working.

Now that I look at it again, it shows the same thing on my course list. What does it show when you’re looking for the attributes?

I am not certain if I understand your question.

You said you can’t see the attributes. When you’re looking for them, what do you see?

Nothing. Just empty space.

Can you take a screenshot?

That’s the image from the course catalogue. It looks like that on mine, too.

There’s one other thing I can think of that you could try. What is the course’s “Status” set as: “Incomplete”, “Unlisted” or “Public”? You could try changing the status, saving it and then going back and re-setting it to “Public” and saving again.

I think it’s “Public” atm, I’ll go try that.

@Zzzzz Try now, what’s it do?

OK. New development informal/formal shows but nothing else does.

Here is what it looks like when it works.

Now just imagine nothing instead of informal.

It looks like informal/formal is the only attribute we have entered for that word. Try “Joo” in level 7 (you can find it faster using Preview), and see if it shows both informal and interjection.

Both show in the preview. Yippee! :grinning:

Yay! So is that everything fixed?

I hope so. It still shows zero learners though.

Yeah, it does. I suspect that just hasn’t updated or something like that, since it shows the same for everyone else.

There is currently a wider ‘bug’ affecting the counting of learners. It may just be something to do with that.

I’m going to bow out from this thread now.

Good luck with your course! :smile:

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Ah, that’s probably it. Thank you for your help!

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