Number of learners stuck

With Tagalog, no courses are shifting, whether they’ve got 1 user or are in the top 5. Maybe Memrise is going to do away with this, as they did with other course statistics.

Sorry to hear that you’re all still having the issue. My courses’ stats were frozen for over two months, and they just suddenly came back to life recently, so hopefully they’re working on it.

Still, it would be appreciated if we could get an update from the staff, considering that we were given an estimate of a week or two almost a month and a half ago…

Now 21st July and the course member stats for Tagalog courses are still stuck. Could you give the server a swift kick, please?

Thanks for ‘bumping’ this again. I have continued to monitor the stats for my courses and, just as an illustration (if anyone is interested), here is a table showing the position over the past few weeks:

Courses 1 and 2 are Geography courses; Courses 3 – 7 are Finnish language courses; and Course 8 is a Spanish language course.

There is no expectation that the numbers will change every day. But, as other people have noticed, the updates do still seem a bit erratic. This is particularly so for the language courses, especially as I have noticed new names occasionally appear on the course leaderboard but the count remains unchanged.

It would be good to hear back from the team on this.


They’re not ‘a bit erratic’ for Tagalog, they’ve been absolutely consistent for a couple of months now - no change whatsoever.

Still no change and it’s been months. Two things are obvious: Tagalog stats have no priority, and this forum’s a total waste of time.

@Joshua Can we please re-open the issue and get this further investigated asap? Thanks!

@Lien, @Joshua,

Thanks for looking into this. Here is an update of my table, showing recent movement in three of the courses I have been keeping an eye on. The others continue to show no change. I think some of these are showing one or two new names on their leaderboards, but I’ll start keeping a closer watch on them. Hope this helps.

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Still fuck-all change for Tagalog.

Hello @Lien,

I have the same problem. In my course DaF kompakt
I have 909 users since a lot of weeks. Am am sure that there are now more users as nearly all members of my new class in the academy are using it.

I have not followed the user count of all my other courses
I just noticed that the course with most users was not changing.

Thank you very much for having a look

Best regards

Obviously Memrise has no interest in correcting this problem. What is it now, four months or five? Or six? No change whatsoever and no feedback. Is anyone at Memrise bothering to read this thread?

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: [App & Site Feedback] Differences between the WEB version and an APP version

@Joshua - Could you let us have an update on this longstanding problem, please?

I have been continuing to monitor a number of my courses and some (particularly in geography and Spanish) change daily and others (Finnish) show no movement at all - even after a new name appears on the course leaderboard. Of course, it’s possible that some have no joiners or leavers but it’s clear from what other posters say that the problem is a widespread - and frustrating - one.


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My course ( has shown exactly the same number of learners for months, even though I personally know people who have joined it subsequently. Any chance of a fix for this issue?


Some Tagalog courses have recently changed the number of users, others have not. One is still stuck on zero users, in spite of the course having been used by several people for weeks. I don’t trust any of these figures.


I’m still checking my courses daily with continuing mixed results. The numbers for my two geography courses continue to change almost daily. However, there has only been occasional movement on my five Finnish courses and one Spanish course, often with long gaps in between changes. But that may reflect the actual net changes. I can’t really tell for sure.

Clearly, in your case (and @SilentShuffle’s) , where you can see new learners’ names appearing on course leaderboards but the number doesn’t change, it clearly means there is a bug.

@Joshua hasn’t replied to my earlier post yet. It would be great to get an update on if/when we might get a fix.

I personally helped a few new people join memrise. They took my courses while I was there witnessing it. Course takers number has not changed though there are new leaners. (It’s not a big deal for me, just it would be nice to know the actual number)

My courses user count (Japanese) has not been changed for quite some time now(even though the number is increasing…)…as a paid user I cannot say I’m not disappointed with how Memrise deal with bugs.

solution: join your own course for a tiny while (learn one two items), and the quit it, and then join it again (and learn/review one two items, it suffices to click start learning and then to hit “back” or close the page), check the number of learners - and then, if you don’t learn the course, quit it again. The number of learners would not be accurate, but updated (a bit). Keep both tabs open, so you can check (the tab with “teaching” and the tab with the course)

(p.s. Someone from the memrise team should do the same with the “official” (and mistakes ridden) courses - “memrise” should join and then quit the course)

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