Course learners count wrong value

The counter of people stuck with value “46 learners” for 2 months,
But count of people in leader board was gradually changed from 46 to 55
I think there are problem with course data refresh/sync.

I’ve got the same problem with my courses. I’ve been keeping track of how many learners both of my courses have at the start of each month, and the numbers have always gone up each time. Right now though, they’re still stuck at the same numbers I took from May 1st, and I have been seeing new users show up in the leaderboards.

I know the number goes down when a user quits the course, but having the exact same number of users join as quit for both courses throughout an entire month is a bit far-fetched.

In the topic that Rodyzi linked to, some users seemed to have the problem resolved after a staff member looked into it, but the problem remains on my end.

Hopefully they can get it fixed soon.

One of the two courses I have been keeping an eye on used to increase by a small number each day but then had become stuck until last Thursday. The count increased on Thursday and again on Friday. That seemed to coincide with the ‘fix’ we were told about. But there has been no change since then. Other courses positioned around mine in the course list seem to have a similar story.

I started looking at the count for one of my other courses last week. The number dropped by two on Friday and has stayed the same since then.

@Lien - It seems like last week’s fix hasn’t solved the problem. Could someone take another look at this please?


Interesting. This thread made me notice that one of my courses,, shows more learners on its card on the list of courses, than there are in its all time leaderboard. Is there any way that could happen if it weren’t a bug?

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I have at least one like that. I had put it down to people adding the course to their dashboard and then deciding to delete it without starting the course. :disappointed: [Edit - but looking at it again, there is a big difference between the numbers: 342 on the card in the course list and 154 on the all time leaderboard :astonished:]

If it’s not that, I can’t think it’s anything other than a bug.

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Yes, I drew this to @Lien’s attention in my post 4 above this one. I think there may be more than one bug affecting these numbers.

As I understand release was deployed 4 days ago.

Checked the numbers this morning for the two courses that I have been keeping an eye on. One had increased by two since yesterday and the other had dropped by one.

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Thanks for the updates! My colleagues will look into it again this week. Apologies for the annoyance in the meantime.


So does anyone know if it can ever make sense for the count of learners on the course card (in the list of courses) to be significantly higher than the number of people on the lifetime scoreboard in the course? I understand the number of learners can be lower if people quit the course, since they’re still on the leaderboard. But since the leaderboard shows everyone who ever joined the course, even with a score of 0, as far as I can tell, then how can the count of learners ever be higher?

This is just a wild guess, but what happens with people who deleted their account while taking the course? Their username would become “deleted”, so they wouldn’t appear in the leaderboard, would they? Could it be that they are still counted as learners for the course because they actually never took the time to quit it? I don’t know how the counter is incremented and decremented, but this is the only option that I see that wouldn’t involve a broken counter.

Another option would be that “quitting” a course doesn’t really decrease the total number of learners but that joining it again still increases the number of learners, so this is a “broken counter” option. I guess some people already checked that the counter was working properly, so this idea doesn’t seem that realistic.

That release updated the count, at least for my course, but it didn’t solve the problem, because it froze again after the update.

Before the update, my course had been at 3.56k for a couple of weeks, the day of the update, it suddenly went up to 3.91k, and it’s stuck at 3.91k again.

Please solve the issue. Thanks.

As far as I can see, all Tagalog courses have been shown as having no change in the number of users for the past several weeks. Improbable, Watson.

any update on this? my number haven’t been changed for a very long time…

I’d like to know too if Memrise staff has looked into this problem. It’s been here for over two months and we haven’t been given a solution yet. I want to know how many learners my course has. I think we’ve waited too long already, it’s time for a fix.

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This issue has been the subject of more recent discussion under a different topic: Number of learners stuck

Is it worth merging the threads to concentrate the discussion?

Yes, probably, but I got into trouble doing that once before. It was argued then that there were subtle differences between the subjects of the two threads. The same could be argued here. This one began with a question about the difference between the number of learners shown on the course leaderboard and those shown on the course index. The other thread leads on the topic of learner numbers on the course index not updating.

There is now some cross-over between the two threads but, I am reluctant to get my fingers burned again. That’s why I just added my earlier note.

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Obviously Memrise has no interest in correcting this problem. What is it now, four months or five? Or six? No change whatsoever and no feedback. Is anyone at Memrise bothering to read this thread?