Mems not saving?


I’m currently unable to save any Mems that I’ve created - I can create them just fine, but when I press the Save button and get the ‘Mem saving…’ icon, it just goes round and round and round and never actually saves or times out.

All other aspects of the site appear to be working fine.

I was trying to create Mems for this course. Duolingo’s completely down at the moment, so I don’t know if AWS is having issues again, or whether it’s just something peculiar to me or this course. Anyone else having problems?


Hi @spdl79,

I just tried it out and was able to create and save a mem without any difficulties. So it may be something ‘local’.

If it continues, you could try tagging Joshua or Memrise Matty and ask them to take a look for you.

Good luck!

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Thanks for much for the speedy response @alanh! If the problem’s still ongoing in the morning I’ll try creating Mems for another course and seeing how I get on before posting back here.

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I am having the same trouble with the Swedish course. Cannot save a single mem. I don’t think this is “local” trouble.

It’s actually extremely vexing because once it starts spinning and spinning, the course remains stuck. it is necessary to close the entire window or reload the URL to the course in order to continue.

Does a report here actually go to someone who can solve this, or is there some other way to get a trouble ticket made?



you could tag a mod, but a report in here is usually enough… (you put in the “web bugs” category, that should suffice )

The problem seems to be affecting ‘official’ Memrise-created courses. The mem I created and saved last night was in a community-created course. I tried creating one in a Memrise-created course this morning but I met the same problem as you guys.

Looking again at the 27 April and 4 May Release Notes on the recent change and reversion, I would have expected to be able to create mems in both kinds of course.

@Joshua - is this a bug or a side-effect of other changes being made?


I am having the same problem with my personal course. The mems don’t save as the saving icon keeps rotating indefinitely.

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Yes, it’s happening with my own personal course too, which has a grand total of seven users. I don’t think it’s directly connected to the recent releases, as I’ve created a couple of hundred Mems since May 4. I successfully created quite a few on Sunday May 14; the stalling only seemed to begin happening yesterday.

Duolingo seems to be back up and running again, so I don’t think it’s an AWS server problem like the outage that affected both sites a couple of months ago.

Yep, agree. It’s inconsistent.

I have just tried creating mems in my personal/private course (no luck) and a user-created course by Easy Academy (no luck) and an old Memrise-created A1 course (no luck). But I was able to create mems in a different user-created (non-typing) course by Easy Academy and in another user-created (typing) course by Karen Baker.

We’ll have to wait and see what Joshua has to say.

Hey everyone, I was able to reproduce this issue only when I created a mem with an image.

Are you able to create mems without images or do you see the same error message as shown in my screenshot?

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Hi @Joshua,

Yes, it seems that images cause the problem - for me, at least.

The saved mems I referred to above were all text-only mems.

I just tried again in Spanish(Spain) 5. I was able to create and save a text-only mem but when I tried one with an image, it wouldn’t let me save it. How do I open that error message?

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Here you go. Does this help?

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Thanks for getting back to us @Joshua. Yep, exact same behaviour for me too. Text-only Mems save just fine; it’s ones with images that stall.

Here’s a screenshot.

I’m undergoing the same troubles when trying to save images as Mems

i too am having this problem. It started yesterday.

I’ve notified the web team of this issue.

For now, creating mems which includes images is not possible.

Sorry for the inconvenience.



having the same issue in

He meant to write “images” :slight_smile:

Typo :blush:

I’ve edited my message.

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Well, goodness gracious me, images are what make mems memorable! :astonished:

When will this bug be fixed? When can we start uploading mems with images again?

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