Problem editing mems (Which were created from App)

Hi, I’m having the same mistake, but I’m editing the mem from my laptop. I’ve tried different browsers (Chrome, firefox), but no change.

Also a problem for me, for all Android created mems. As if going back to edit mems wasn’t hard enough, it is now impossible for those mems. Short of deleting the mem and adding a new one.

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After all those months I still cannot edit nor delete mems… first I encountered it in the beginning of September. … How long would it take to fix it? @Joshua

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I have the same problem editing, I can only delete them. Every mem I create on mobile, gets out with this code line < span style=“background-color:#4db6ac;”> < /span > on PC and when trying to edit it i get this message: “CSRF Verification Fail”.

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It has been nearly *half year (6 months) * since I can’t edit my mems. I can’t even delete them.
@Joshua when will you fix this bug

Thanks in advance

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We apologise for the delay and inconvenience.

I still don’t have an ETA for this bug.

This is still going on and it drives me nuts.
The same as the other users:

  • from PC: can only delete mems from Android but NOT edit them. I can only edit mems created from the computer.
  • Android: I can create mems just fine.

I’ve tried Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IExplorer, probably on Edge too (dont’ have Win 10)
Please solve this. You have a really great app.

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Unfortunately, I still don’t have an ETA for this bug.

I have raised this issue once again to the developers. All I can do is wait until they are available to have time to look into this.

Apologies for the wait.

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tried to edit a mem today… I had forgotten it does not work… any news @Joshua ?

Hi. I am editing mems for 2 days now. Today I suddenly can’t save mem. It says: There was a problem saving your mem.
Maybe you can try again.

Please help

Hi @Anze_Jurc! It has been this way for me since September at least

I have been experiencing this same problem for months too! It’s becoming rather a problem as I frequently wish to edit or change my mems up a little. I resort to going through the course again to find the word and re-do the mem for it. I do hope the developers find the issue and fix it ASAP.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Mems not saving?

Any news about this bug’s fix? @Joshua

I’m really happy for the French fix. Hope this mem-edit fix takes less tan 10 months

I have not heard anything back from the developers. They’re still looking into it.

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Hi. I deleted courses where I had mems and now I can add mems again. I’m so happy :slight_smile:

And just as I posted my prevoius post, the error There was a problem saving your mem.
Maybe you can try again. is back. :frowning:

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I am having this issue too. this is rediculous, this is the CORE feature of your app, to make mems, and it is broken. I’m getting more and more reasons to switch to anki.

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BTW, I think the issue may be related to having hardware acceleration turned off in Chrome.

If you don’t press return or space after your last word you will get that code for the background color which you can see when editing on the computer. Just delete the code, leavng the word. Doesn’t make a difference though in the appearnce of the Mem. It’s worse with a typo, you fix in edit, but it doesn’t change the app Mem. If you delete on the computer, the app still retains the typo version. No getting rid of one after it’s saved that I’ve ever found.