Memrise website and apps are down [ Edit: Fixed! ] (and Closed )

I no longer just get the same handful of words when I try to review but the number of words to be reviewed still does not go down. In fact it goes up.

On top of losing all my course streaks, I’ve now just lost my overall streak. I did review yesterday, and I got the points, but somehow they didn’t register until today, which means my 51 day streak is now down to 1.

There’s an overall streak? I never heard of one. :slight_smile: Or is it a pro only feature? But either way, they said they’d restore our streaks once they fix the main problems, so I presume there’s nothing to worry about.

@Ronald_Morrisc9 - I guess they’re waiting to fix everything, because if they come out with “hey, it’s a bit better now”, they’ll be met with a bunch of angry people complaining about why it isn’t completely fixed yet…

@SteveKaczynski - well, the total number goes up because the new words that regularly come up for review are added to the phantom number of old ones that you have, in fact, reviewed. So, essentially, you just can’t be sure how many are new until you start reviewing, unless you keep track of what the number was last time you reviewed everything. A tad annoying, I know, but definitely a major improvement.

the’ll fix everything by xmas-time for sure


After yesterday’s @knarusk message i did a review of all 420 items that have been ready for review, everything looked fine the “due dates” showed there is nothing to review. But today memrise is still asking me to do the same number of reviews (i’m not talking review number glitch). So if in one separate level there is only two items that “due to now” but the old number of reviews says 30, it makes me review 30 items instead of 2.

Reviewing from the level page is still broken like that. You have to review from the course home page. I suspect “review all” from your dashboard works as well, but I have too many to review there to be able to confirm that.

This is at least how I understand it.

I am trying to find the “review all” button but can’t… where is it?

On your dashboard top right you can see a button where you can select a category, for example “Chinese” after you’ve selected a category to the left of that button is another button Review (2343). I meant that.

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@knarusk @Joshua
Thanks for your hard work, I hope that all the bugs will be fixed soon.

Would you please look at this? something is wrong with the review schedule.

No-one is saying they expect anything to happen immediately; what we are saying is will someone from Memrise please communicate with their customers, both in advance and throughout the process. This isn’t a voluntary organisation or student-run club to whose members we should be grateful for sparing five or ten minutes of their otherwise very full schedule for writing a couple of updates: this a business, with 22 salaried members of staff.

We have consumer rights, and they have obligations to us, under English and UK law. And so far no offer has been made of compensating us for loss of proper access to the service. I get a reimbursement or an extension of the date before my next direct debit kicks in, or a discount off the next bill, if my phone company loses signal unexpectedly for a few days, or if the Economist failed to deliver an issue by mistake. Why are memrise then not similarly assuring us that we can make up the days of lost service before they take our next payment from our bank accounts?
I thought there must have been some sort of cyber attack or something which was entirely out of their control but it’s only emerged within the past couple of days that this was actually a planned roll-out. So it would have been courteous and in keeping with basic customer service to inform us in advance that this was going to happen and that there might be delays or technical problem, so we could plan to alter our usage around these potential delays and teething problems. And it was simply rude on their part to not update us for the first couple of days, and then to leave that message for days saying “everything should be working fine now” when it clearly wasn’t and still isn’t.


thanks, it’s working.

After this long a period of time of the site being down, it would be nice for the memrise staff to provide technical details on what happened and what is currently being done to fix it.


This site is still not working properly for me. It still does not update the number of items to review that it shows for each course although it has now started to save that information internally so that I am not shown the same words more than once. This means that I have to test every course by trying it and it will return to the course home page if there are in fact no words to review.

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It is still not working, lets hope they can fix it soon lol.

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I recently tested to see what’s working and what isn’t on the website, and posted about it here:

Hopefully someone will find the information useful!

Anyone found any good alternatives? Anki seems horribly clunky and outdated.


Am I to understand that the staff truly did not make a backup before instating the new updates that crashed the site? If they did make one…it shouldn’t take five days to roll-back.


Can’t save or review; but, they can still reset your streak to zero.:confused:


I’ve got a level with 80+ words and I learnt about 20 yesterday and more this morning (it’s now 16:37 GTM); I can see some items needs the post-4 hour review and some items need the one day review but I can’t review anything because I haven’t finished learning the full course. So it says review now next to each individual button but on the level page or the main course page nothing happens when I click review. Any ideas?

Course streaks and overall streaks?? Pro / web user here - I do not have different streaks - just course streaks?? What are you referring to please? thank you.