Memrise website and apps are down [ Edit: Fixed! ] (and Closed )

Yes, some progess saving issues are still there if you use the web app, but should be working ok on mobile.
We’re still in progress to get everything back to normal.

If the progress saving bug doesn’t get fixed before the turnover time for the next day is it going to count against our streak?

Maybe this is a good time to ask then, when using the mobile version how on earth can we easily see the points per day for the courses we have goals on? But frankly I only ever use the mobile version in emergencies, if for no other reason that I’m really only interested in typing out answers in full with no assistance.

The reviewed words are being saved normally on my android app but the course score does not grow.

I’ve just registered to memrise and ended up confused why my progress isn’t saved at all. I hope the issues are solved soon!

The mobile apps deal with the progress slightly differently, so it’s not lost. But again, the issues are being worked on.
For streaks, it would be helpful if you know for which course you had which streak and in case of any loss tomorrow, report that through the support page. We can fix and recover them then individually.


Well, I’ve done my streaked courses on mobile now, but since I mostly use the web version, I hope the streaks will stay there. For the record, in case stuff vanishes after midnight, I should be having a 278 day streak on the old Memrise A2 German, 143 days on my own Intermediate German and just 27 days on Memrise A1 French.

Edit on Monday: yes, according to the website, my streaks were interrupted (only on the German courses, I had done the French before the site bugged up), although I’ve watered them sufficiently in the app. I hope they’ll get restored once you fix the site. :slight_smile:

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Same for me and no points given again. Rats!!

What about the review function not working or “learn words” not updating?

On both Chrome & Firefox on Windows 10: Review continues to present the same words over and over again. However, my total score IS being incremented by each review session.

It’s been a whole day now… this is not good. Will reconsider using this platform if we can’t even expect completely broken basic functions to be fixed in a timely manner.

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It’s definitely not working ok on Mobile, either Android or iOS.

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progress still don’t saving.
when the site will work normally?

Which tells me it’s probably a backend problem, although the web traffic from the browser does look a little odd when reviewing a course (lots of calls to the ‘register’ API, but I’m not sure what it was when it was working)

We are still fixing the progress issues, the learning progress on the web is not saving properly just yet. Learning on mobile should not be affected, the apps handle progress separately. However, there can be streak issues until all the syncing is back to normal.

We’ll post any further updates during the day here, and once more, thanks for the patience and apologies for the issues.

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You’ve had several of us now categorically tell you that it IS affected. Progress tracking is not working correctly on either the Android or iOS versions of the app. I just revised a course on the Android version until it said I’d completed my daily goal, but on the website and after restarting the app there’s still no indication it’s recorded any progress for the day.

I’m are not interesting to mobile applications. Repair site please.

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The Android app is affected. It still shows my yesterday’s streaks (and the rockets are yellow, as if completed, although I haven’t touched most of the courses today, just one).

Seriously Memrise, invest in a platform that allows you to roll back faulty deployments. There is absolutely no excuse for leaving a site like this in a fundamentally broken state for nearly 15 hours now.

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seeing as Memrise isnt recording any updates of work, does this mean we will all lose our hard earned streaks? I suggest they are frozen until this error is fixed, i’d be terribly annoyed if i lost my 30 day streak due to another server error like last time