You’ve chosen to ignore the many dozens of complaints in the threads that I linked to, which prove undeniably that Memrise employees respond only to what they choose to respond to, and ignore everything else that they don’t want to talk about, for months, perhaps years, if they choose.
You also very conveniently ignore the fact that Memrise routinely lies brazenly to its users. In some case lying to members for weeks or months at a time.
In one instance they lied and said that their deliberate “experiments” were mysterious bugs, that “the team is looking into.” Only after the “experiments” were over did they admit the truth.
Another time, about a year and a half ago, they completely changed the way their system handles commas in answers, intentionally and unnecessarily breaking hundreds or thousands of user-created courses. When users complained loudly, first they ignored the complaints. Then they pretended that it was a mysterious “bug” that they were “looking into” and asking for “screenshots” of. Finally, after about two months passed and hundreds of additional complaints posted, the COO finally came to the forum, and admitted the ugly truth, that they had broken the user-created courses through their deliberate action, and had been lying to the users for months.
You also ignore the fact that just a few weeks ago, BeaTrisy came on here and lied again, saying that the user Bio field would remain “private,” when the truth is that they removed it completely from the users’ view and control. When the users asked for clarification of Beatrisy’s inane claim about the non-existent bio field, they were completely ignored. They seem to think that they can follow in the footsteps of the lying tailors in the story of the “Emperor’s New Clothes,” and make us sing the praises of the wonderful new “private” bio field that only fools can’t see.
The examples that I’ve listed in these posts are just the tip of the iceberg of Memrise’s bad behavior toward its users, and there is no excuse for any of it.
So don’t try to tell me that on “critical issues that affects many or all users, they reply quite promptly,” because that claim is not just false, but blatantly, glaringly, and indisputably false.