Cancelling Pro membership after an Autorenew

I had purchased memrise Pro on July 5 of last year. Since then, I had fallen out of use on this site, and was planning to let my subscription run out and not renew. To my surprise, I was notified this morning that my subscription had been auto renewed.

This was especially surprising because I had received no warning before the auto renew, and I don’t even remember seeing a notification when joining that this feature would be auto renew. Needless to say, I am looking into options to cancel and receive a full refund.

I emailed [email protected], but have little hope for a reply in the near feature. I know there is a “cancel” button on the site’s Pro page, but I am not sure how pressing that button will affect any opportunities for a refund.

Any help that I can get is much appreciated! Thank you!

This is something that @MemriseMatty, @Joshua, or @Lien should be able to help you with and give you a refund without delay.

It’s very disappointing to hear that Memrise did not email you a warning about the scheduled auto renewal, at least a week or two in advance, and give you the option to cancel at that time. In my experience, reputable companies always send the customer a reminder in advance, well before charging them for a subscription renewal.

I did end up receiving an email from memrise, along with a full refund. I’m impressed by the service I did end up receiving, but I agree, it would be better to send emails before a 30 dollar subscription is auto renewed.