Everything is Locked After Level 1

Hello all, I am trying to learn french but after level 1, everything seems locked. I can reach new words from web, but features like grammaboat and etc. are unreachable from web also, and app always asks me to go pro. I really don’t know what to do, had anyone face that problem?

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Try the Memrise Android app.

If Memrise is handling the IOS plattform just like DuoLingo does (A/B test groups, Ads, Plus abo, health/gems, etc.)…

If you do not already have an Android smartphone, you coud install an Android emulator like Bluestacks for first tests.

Memrise did this awhile ago but then later removed the locks. Maybe they’re trying it out again. Anyway, I’d try to use the website or, as Thomas said, the Android app. Or you could buy pro :slight_smile:

Maybe you need to update to some later IOS versions, or did you install the latest from the store?

I’m having the same issue where everything is locked to pro, I’ve found a weird to glitch to allow me to go around the lock but I still can’t access speed review or anything else than learning the words in the planets, the whole app seems to be glitched out and reinstalling didn’t help, would love to know a solution for this

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AThe first two options are available for all users (normally, not when locked by bugs) but the others are available only with pro accounts.


Try to review those 84 words (preferably on the website with “all typing” and L2 target language translations, without multiple-choice, audio multiple-choice, tapping, etc.).

I would guess that this unlocks the green learning button on the IOS app again?!

But it seems odd that I don’t have access to learn new words sections after level 1.

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@UgurKucukcb59ac1911, are you sure that yu’re using the latest version of the app?

My husband and I are having the very same problem with the French course. It is impossible to continue learning in the app, the only “open” button is the review one. And yes, we both have the latest iOS and app versions installes. It is highly annoying to be stuck!

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I have same problem starting from today on iOS. It seems now common issue.

I downloaded Memrise yesterday and started at level 4 Spanish. However, when I click on learn new words at the bottom of the screen it shows me a message that says I have to pay and enjoy 20+ official courses of memrise. I tried clicking on the “no thanks I’ll live in my own world” at the bottom of the screen, but it doesn’t work. I thought learning new words was part of the free version? Or am I wrong?

@laurarudo232, I’d recommend using non-official courses if you want to use the app for free.

Actually, that goes for people with the locking issues, too. As far as I know, non-official courses never suffered from the problem with planets being locked.

It sounds like maybe at the moment, if you want to take the official courses, you should be prepared to pay for them, and if you want to use the app for free, you should try to stick to user-created courses.

Even if I have nothing left to review, everything is still locked. I had an older version of the app on my iPad and logged in with it, nothing was locked, then I updated the app and everything got locked except review again, it must be an issue with the current update of the app that should be fixed with a new update or something

I have the same problem too, on my iPad with latest version of the app and latest system updates. I just started a few days ago.

I’m having the same issue with Korean 1. Everything was working fine and now all of a sudden this.

I’m having the same issue as well. I just started a few days ago.

How come that the guys at Memrise does not do anything about this or make a comment in forum? They can at least confirm that is is now the Pro modul that counts or that it is a glitch in the app.

Has anyone seen this behavior in any courses other than the official, ie in any of the user created courses?
Also, does it also happen for anyone with a pro account?
