[Course Forum] Spanish 1 to 7 by Memrise


You´re right about the “duele” = “it hurts” thing in most cases! :slight_smile:

I was trying to specify the difference between the two words but now I see that when I wrote “In fact I would translate this like…” I led to confussion. I wasn´t trying to state the best translation for each word, but trying to translate the meaning, the nuances, so VT22 could understand them better. When I wrote that I meant something like “In fact I would say that this word has these particularities and that one has those ones”. Not the best way of expressing it though! :joy:

I´m sorry about that, english is not my mother language!

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Hello @angileptol,

There is this item:
“mi hija quiere ser una estrella del pop”

but the voice says:
“mi hija quiere ser una estrella de pop”

Which is the correct one? Currently only the “del” version is accepted.

Hi Angela,

I have the same problem as mentioned by @OguzIncedalipb2 and @alanh but in the Spanish course for French learners (Espagnol 3, niveau 32). Shouldn’t “Tenéis plan para màs tarde?” being translated into “Est-ce que vous avez des plans pour plus tard?” instead of “Est-ce que tu as des plans pour plus tard?”


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Glad someone else is confused by sabia/obvia.
What I found on the web is what you note… that (apart from some special cases - buen(a), numbers…) an adjective after the noun is selecting, one before it is a natural part of the noun being emphasised.
I am beginning to think that the use of ‘la’ is the important part - one is selecting the one choice that is obvious.

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I’m in Spanish 3 for French learners (Espagnol 3, niveau 37 “L’été prochain sur terre”) and I’m confused about two sentences.

  1. ?con quién vais a ir? (sorry for the first question mark, I can’t find the correct one on my keyboard) is translated into “avec qui est-ce que tu vas y aller?”. Shouldn’t it be “avec qui est-ce que vous allez y aller?”.

  2. “irà a Francia el proximo invierno” translates into “j’irai en France l’hiver prochain”. Shouldn’t it be “elle/il ira en France l’hiver prochain”?

Muchas gracias,

Hi @biboupipo36,

Thanks for your post and for reporting these issues, I have informed the French specialist, who will correct the mistakes ASAP. For future reference, there’s a forum thread for reporting issues in the Spanish for French learners courses: [Course Forum] Espagnol 1-7 by Memrise (Spanish for French speakers)

Thanks for helping us improve our courses and happy learning!


Thanks a lot @biboupipo36,

The changes have been made. You will be able to see them after logging out and in again.



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Thank you Angela, thank you Fanny for your answers.

Thanks for signaling me the forum thread for French learners.


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Error in Spanish 6 (English), Level 20 (Turbulent Weather).

In the English phrase
“it snowed so much we couldn’t go outside”
, the pick-words question type accept this answer:
“nevó tanto que no pudimos salir”

It shouldn’t. It should only accept this:
“nevó tanto que no pudimos salir fuera”

salir doesn’t mean go, though, but go out, so that’s ok. salir fuera wouldn’t be idiomatic.

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I have exactly the same problem (three months after grimshaw1’s post). Lessons repeat and are the same across all 7 levels. One clue may be that, upon completion of a grammar lesson, I get booted back to the Spanish courses homepage instead of continuing on to the next recommended lesson for the course. It’s as if there’s some piece of code at the end of the grammar lesson that should record the completion and them move on, but it fails. I’ve tried both Chrome and Explorer with same issue, so I don’t think it’s a user / browser error. Thanks!

are there really only 4 topics for grammar bots and only 3 chat robots? i’m almost done with the 3rd course, but nothing new came since the 1st course…

Here a chatbox translation issue/question reported for this course: Spanish Chatbots A date I seem to not be getting it right when what i'm writing is correct (probably correct) (checked by google translate)

Somewhere in the 3rd lesson
“pesa 60 kilos” => does not accept “pesa sesenta kilos”
Could you add it as an alternative?

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I have only today noticed, by chance, that the content of the Spanish(Spain)1 and Spanish(Spain)2 courses that I completed mostly on the web version a long time ago (and have been reviewing daily since) is quite different from the versions which currently display if I select them from the course list.

Some of the entries are presented differently and both courses have additional content. The version of Spanish(Spain)1 in the course list has 437 words compared to the 224 in the version that I completed some time ago (I didn’t ‘ignore’ any) and, for Spanish(Spain)2 it’s 369 words compared to 347.

No changes appear to have been made to Spanish(Spain)3-7. If I click on those in the course list (instead of my dashboard), it accurately displays my learning progress for the relevant course but if I click on Spanish(Spain)1 or 2 in the course list, it invites me to “start learning” them from the beginning.

Does anyone know if my learning history for courses 1 and 2 will get ‘wiped’ if I start learning the newer versions in order to access the additional content or will both versions appear on my dashboard and I’ll then have to ignore the duplicate words?

Hi @angileptol, did I miss an announcement about the revised content of Spanish(Spain)1 and 2, and can you advise me of the best way to access the additional content without losing my learning history? Are there any plans to revise the content of Spanish(Spain)3-7 anytime soon? If so, can the change be announced, please?

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The course is a bit bad in the way some stuff is excepted

On the new version of “Spanish Spain 2” (level 1) the sound for “hay demasiado ruido” is wrong. It says “Demasiado Demasiada”.

edit: Male Voice only. the female voice is correct.

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Thanks a lot @LarBoylan for reporting this issue, the wrong audio has been deleted. Thanks!

Ángela from Memrise

Hi @Harry-Cooke,

Thanks for your feedback, could you explain in more detail what you mean by that so that we understand what the problem is? Thanks again!

Ángela from Memrise

Dear @alanh,

Thanks for your message and sincere apologies for the delay in getting back to you. Regarding the announcement: no, you haven’t missed it. This is on us.
Announcements have gone out in our media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc) but not in the forums yet.
In the future, we’ll aim for this communication to be posted in the forums much sooner.

Regarding your learning history: your learning history on previous Courses 1 & 2 won't get wiped if you start the new courses. Both versions will appear on your dashboard. You can choose to ignore the words you have already learnt in the new courses (but that means you're missing out on all the fun new videos for those items! :))

I hope you enjoy these new courses we have published and worked on with lots of effort and love and apologies again for the delay in communication. Also, we welcome any feedback about these courses.

Best regards and happy learning!
