[Course Forum] Spanish 1 to 7 by Memrise

True! Thanks for spotting that mistake. We will fix it ASAP.

Best wishes,


Thanks @natalanna for reporting these issues. They have now been fixed. In order to see the corrections you should log out and in again. Happy learning! :slight_smile:



In Spanish 6,

deberías perdonarlo
los antibióticos

are now considered wrong if typed without accents. This is not the case with other phrases containing accents. Is this an intentional change? If so, is there any option to turn it off?

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Hello @autismal,

Thanks for your feedback. We are aware of this problem and we are working on solving it as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.



Hello @angileptol,

I think in S6L38 the correct translation for the item “the website” should be “el sitio web” - or the other way around, “la página web” should be translated to “the webpage”. Currently el sitio web is not accepted at all.

I checked on wikipedia, both the Spanish and English use these terms the same way. (Un sitio web o cibersitio es una colección de páginas web … / A website is a collection of related web pages … )

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Dear @VT22,

Thanks for your post. I have changed the English translation of la página web to the webpage. Thanks again for your constructive feedback and happy learning!

Best wishes,


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A asked this question in another thread but it was suggested that I ask here:

Hola @angileptol! ¿Cómo estás? Alguna ayuda, por favor.

I am getting caught out in Spanish (Spain) 3, where [in Level 29] we have “my luggage weighs too much” = “mi equipaje pesa demasiado”. But [in Level 22] there is “I weigh three kilos too much” = “peso tres kilos de más”.

In the second example, I always want to use “demasiado” because I have learned that “de más” tends to be used for “the rest”, “extra” or “spare”. Is there a ‘rule’ here that I need to learn or would “demasiado” be an acceptable ‘alternative’?

Gracias! :smile:

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Hi @deadhippo,

Thanks for reporting this issue. Is still happening? Could you send us a screenshot here please and let us know which course it is that you are learning? Thanks.



Hi @alanh,

Thank you very much for your question, good one! As you said, de más means extra which in this case would apply to kilos too. Another way of expressing this would be me sobran tres kilos (I spare three kilos). I hope this is a little clearer now. Peso tres kilos demasiado would be wrong, however, peso demasiado would be correct.

Best wishes,


In Spanish 7, “to fill” only accepts “rellenar” and not “llenar”. According to online dictionaries “to fill up”, “to refill” or “to fill out” seem to be more appropriate translations for “rellenar”.

Also in Spanish 7, “if I had …” only accepts “si hubiese”. If you haven’t reviewed it in a while and get “if I had a spaceship” (“si tuviese”) before, it’s easy to get confused and forget that the “…” stands only for a verb in this one.

In Spanish 6, “did you do it yourself?” only translates as “lo hiciste tú sola” and doesn’t accept “lo hiciste tú solo”. The english sentence doesn’t specify that it is feminine, is there another difference?

In Spanish 6, the example sentence for “everywhere” translates it with “por todas partes” (había testigos por todas partes), but “everywhere” as a single word is translated as “en todas partes” and doesn’t accept “por todas partes”. Is there a difference in meaning?

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to kick = dar una patada

Could you also add patear as an alternative?

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Hi @autismal,

Thank you very much for your useful feedback. I have added “llenar”, “si tuviera” and “si tuviese” as alternatives.

With regards to “everywhere”, it translates as both “en todas partes” and “por todas partes”.

Best wishes,


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Hi @VT22,

Thanks for the feedback, I have added “patear” as an alternative. Thanks and happy learning! :slight_smile:



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Hello @angileptol,

One more thing:
Could you change the doler = to hurt item to have a bit more specific English translation?
It is easy to confuse these two items:

S3L18 doler = to hurt
S6L1 herir = to hurt (someone)

When the “doler” item comes to review, there’s no hint that this item is about own pain, and not about hurting someone else. Not a problem when learning, because there are other items like “el dolor” or “me duele” right next to it. But reviewing months later, using the main review button, I have no info which item is from which course, and It can be confused with the “herir” item.

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Hi @angileptol

I’ve noticed two issues that have been bugging me for a while.

Spanish 5, level 25: “or else …” translates to “… o te vas a enterer”. Can the ‘…’ be changed to either be consistently in the front or the back of the phrase. Or is it trying to imply something about the position in a sentence?

Second I don’t what the difference is between (maybe one is uk english and the other is american?):


but in the first link “el real” translates to “the”. I’m assuming it’s supposed to be “the {something}”?

Thank you!

Hi - I am in Spanish(Spain)3 and have reached some Grammar Bot steps. I have now done 3 of them and they keep repeating even though I have completed them OK. They also seem to come up the same on my Spanish 2 line. How do I get rid of the completed ones to move on?

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Thanks for your feedback @VT22, I have changed the English definition of the item doler to “to hurt; to ache”. I hope this makes it clearer. Thanks again and happy learning!



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Hi there!

I´m a native spanish speaker and in fact I would translate those words like this:

  • Doler = to feel pain, to ache
  • Herir = To hurt, to injure

I hope this helps!

Hi @Jone_Samsa,

Thanks for your suggestion but I believe it’s necessary to keep “to hurt” as a translation of doler , as it’s an intransitive verb, and you would say “duele” for “it hurts”. “To feel pain” would not work in this case. I agree with your translation of herir nonetheless. :slight_smile:

