As I understand it, the red ones are newer. But the biggest difference is in how they test you. Starting from HSK Level 4, the red ones will give you the English word and expect you to type the chinese characters on a chinese keyboard. The Blue ones only need an English keyboard. On the blue ones, they will first ask you for the English translation from the Chinese characters shown, then on the next level they will ask you to type the pinyin from the chinese characters shown. So each word has two parts.
Question: Starting around words 130 onwards, I noticed an error where when using the app on my Android phone, it would present the character and ask for the pinyin but when I went to type in the pinyin, it would “enter” and move on before I could complete the pinyin and mark it as incorrect.
For example, for 巳, i would type in “si” and before I could hit the “4” for “si4”, it would move on and say that the answer “si” was incorrect and that “si4” was the answer.
Is the entire deck like this? Or, is this an error that is the result of a recent update? Does this only happen on the smart phone app or on the website, too?
Anyone else know what I’m talking about?
I may have to abandon this deck if this error is persistent throughout the deck. It is too annoying and slows down my study time unnecessarily.
This is an issue that I’m aware of but it’s relatively unreported in the Memrise community. I can promise you that this isn’t too common throughout the deck. I believe that this is an issue with Memrise itself since this goes against what is in the course database. The word that you are referring to does not have any alts that would cause that issue. I have seen this issue in other courses as well, which further convinces me that it’s a Memrise issue.
Thank you for providing a specific example of where you are seeing the issue. I’m looking at the code of Memrise that I have access to as a user to see if I have any control over the issue.
What do I need to do to raise a new issue or query on this course? I cannot find any link to do so on this page or anywhere else for that matter so, although I have nothing to add to this particular topic I am having to ask here so that I can then raise the issue. Many thanks.
Very many thanks, Robbie. Maybe a bit dumb of me, but as the format has changed I was totally baffled! The issue I wanted to raise occurred whilst I was learning 精 jing1 (i.e. refined) at Lesson 88. I was presented on 3 separate occasions with a multi-choice question where the pinyin for jing1 featured twice amongst the various choices on each occasion. There was no way to differentiate between the two jing1’s so, in two out of the 3 instances, I wound up guessing wrong and so failed to “learn” the word on that session. Just a tad frustrating, I do not know whether this is a generic issue or just applies to the one word, but if it is readily fixable it would be much appreciated. By the way, I presume as a “contributor” you are providing your services for free, in which case I think your services are truly admirable as this kind of stuff can be pretty time-consuming.
@incommunicado fixed it! This was a hard fix and I had to dig past the pages that Memrise normally wants you to see in order to find the issue.
In this course there are 5 words that have pinyin “jing1”. One of them somehow got a space in it, making it " jing1" instead of “jing1”. Memrise is supposed to strip those extra spaces but I guess it failed to do that here. When Memrise saw that " jing1" and “jing1” were similar but not identical, it chose to use them as possible answers for your word. We, of course, wouldn’t be able to see that extra space, which is why you couldn’t guess the right word. I just got rid of the extra space in the course database.
No idea if this is even the correct place to report this since the new system of reporting things is so god awful and inconvenient/the forums are so poorly designed now, but a bunch of characters in this course seem to have suddenly broken.
So far, I have encounted “勾”, which no longer accepts “gou1” or “gou4” (you now need to type “gou1; gou4” in its entirety) and 罙, which you now need to type something like “shen1; mi4”, although I’m not even sure if the latter character belongs to this course, again, because of the god awful reporting system, and me not particularly wanting to hunt through over 10 courses and find the exact page where the character is learnt.
This is an issue that resulted from a recent change in Memrise. Where Memrise used to consider things separated by semi-colons to be individual valid answers, that feature was recently removed. I have changed the answers in the course for the two words that you pointed out and your issue should be fixed. I expect the issue will still exist with other words so please do not hesitate to point them out if you find any more.
Just yesterday I started with the course HSK level 1 - Introductory Mandarin (with audio) and encountered a similar problem to @RobbieKunz. Regarding the audio questions, whenever I enter the Pinyin (for example zi3 for child or ni3 hao3 for hello) the answer wont be accepted and the typing field just turns blank again after pressing enter. However, when I type something wrong the answer will be accepted as a wrong answer.
I apologize in advance for posting this here, knowing that this is not the exact right forum (Since its a different course). But since the problem is quite similar and you solved it so quickly I thought to give it a try.