Since this morning, I noticed a bug with the keyboard on the android app : I can’t type my answers completely and a lot of the items I review are considered wrong because of the last character which is always missing. Every time I reach the penultimate letter or syllable, the item is counted as wrong and I can’t type the last part.
I’ve seen it happen with Chinese characters, Japanese syllabaries and Devanagari (Sanskrit, Hindi, Nepali, Marathi).
Thanks a lot for checking that for me and other users. I don’t think this has to do with my Samsung tablet but rather with the Memrise app.
Edit : the device I’m using is a Samsung tablet SM-T230, android version 4.4.2
I am having the same issue in the course “First 500 Characters in Mandarin Chinese”, also just since the latest Memrise update on Android this morning. It will typically mark my answers as wrong in the following way: I would have typed zhi4, (pinyin w/falling tone), then pressed the corner button to submit my answer. Instead, Memrise just takes the answer at zhi, with no 4 on the end, acts like I pressed the submit button, even though I didn’t, and considers it wrong. Alternately, I have entered ba as an answer, which Memrise immediately accepted as correct, even though I did not submit it, and even though it is not yet correct with out the high flat tone on the end: ba1.
In the review (blue button) part of the app, I have found a bug (in the latest and previous update). When I need to type in pinyin (I’m learning Chinese), which has a word followed by a number, e.g. gao1, the app lets me type in gao but then automatically moves onto the next screen, which means i miss the 1 and the answer is therefore classed as incorrect, thus making my difficult words list get higher and higher. This happened in the update yesterday but it still happens in the update today. It also happens when I try to practice tricky words. This bug makes the app unusable.
This bug needs to be fixed, the only “work around” I have found for it is by backing out of the review and reentering it until it gives me the question variation that allows me to select the answer instead of typing it in.
I’m having the same issue, normally if I start writing an answer it does not automatically submit unless it is the correct answer, now it just submits anyway. This has been happening to me in Spanish courses where there are accents on the letters for instance, I typed “Comó soy” when the correct answer was “Cómo soy” and it automatically submitted the answer and marked it as wrong. The normal behaviour would be that it would not be submitted. This is incredibly frustrating as it does not give me the chance to correct minor mistakes.
I noticed this yesterday and it’s still happening today. While I’m still typing a word, it will stop and mark my response as wrong. Also, most of the time I can back up and correct something, but again, sometimes it is marked as wrong as soon as I touch the wrong character.
I love the auto-detect option, because if it does not accept my answer, there must be some misspelling, and I can correct it. For some days now it has been malfunctioning and correcting my answers wrong. In memrise French, Spanish and Russian at lvl 7 with the words ‘my’ and ‘your’. Have not noticed it in other courses. Ps! Im using ASUS ZenFone2