The orphaned Ben's HSKs, the Malstronikus

who will take care of them? are there the contributors ready to post the new fora links?

This is something that has been irritating me somewhat. I asked about this in one of the HSK 4 courses and there was not even a reply. I personally wouldn’t mind helping out.

Hi DrewSSP,
Would you like me to add you as a contributor to that course and/or any other courses?

@Lien That would be most welcome. I’m willing to make a positive contribution to the following two HSK courses:

If nobody makes the forum for them within the next week and a half, I will assume that doing so myself will not upset anybody else’s plans.


Thanks, that would be great! I have added you as a contributor. Any questions, let me know. :pineapple:

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Excellent. Thank you very much. That pineapple was a nice touch! It gave me a good chuckle.


Many more where that came from :smiley: :unicorn::pig2:


For what it’s worth, I went ahead and created the course forums for the two courses to which I have access. They are here:


who is contributor to the red HSK5, please? was it @PeterKeim?

could the various “competition” items have each other as valid alternatives, please?

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Is anyone still updating the red HSK 3 course? I have some feedback, but there seems to be no course forum for this one. I can create one, but that seems kind of weird since I’m not a contributor.

@moderators , do you know anything about this?

there was someone curating that one - but I don’t remember who it was. You could maybe tag a moderator and ask

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@student-of-life @Danny1 are contributors for HSK 3
If they’re no longer maintaining the course I can look into adding someone else as a contributor?

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I’m maintaining the courses HSK blue and red 1-5. Please refer people with problems to