children, cats and puppies and elefants and dolphins andandand are “cute”, since when are octopus and poisonous jellyfish cute? what is this here? “cartoon network” or a learning site?
i’ve just visited the site of the Khan academy, for comparison… failed to see any idiotically looking avatars… saw mountains, leaves etc
@Hydroptere - On Khan’s leaf avatar page, click on the right arrow to scroll through the selectable avatar options. I get that you don’t approve of such silliness, but certainly Khan Academy uses earned cute atavars.
On Khan, students are able to select their avatar, and points earned unlock additional options. @Hydroptere could select and stay with a leaf. Another student might enjoy celebrating their progress through this avatar sequence:
I think the switch of icons is fine, I don’t mind it. But what I don’t care for is how they aren’t fixing the massive gap issue once you get into the tens of millions of points but still have to grind for so long to get to a new rank. Maybe a way to remedy this is that once you hit a million points, then the next rank is just 1 mill away, then after that 2 mill away, then after that 3 mill away, then 4 then 5 then so on and so forth. That way there is still a gap that is growing but it’s not growing at an absurd rate. So my idea meshed into the new levels system would look like:
18 levels are simply not enough (neither from the old ranks nor the new
intended level system)
100.000.000 mio points should NOT be the only max level, as there are some Overlords out there already who already gained more than 100 mio. (either there could be e.g ~2-3 top bonus ranks or not any hard level limit at all)
your current earned points status should make it possible to reach a new rank/level in a realistic time frame (it does e.g not help one’s collected 3,3 mio. points that ranks are getting lowered (2mio.) and the next reachable rank (5mio). is getting raised)
rank icons which grow steadily are not a bad idea (at least a few people agreed on that)
different user selectable icons from different types (styles) / groups would be a very nice thing (every user has his own liking)
anyhow, I doubt that changing the avatar to alien pink lobster (learning earthly mandarin) and removing easy to remember ranks was the most pressing matter of memrise, or what it will boost its market presence… or do you?
Personal setting the proportion of tapping/typing tests. When course creators need to create different “no typing” tests, and other part of users need “all typing” userscript, that’s clearly a sign this needs to be configured
Personalising learning algorithm. I just can’t believe the same intervals are optimal for everyone
Search in learned words
Feedback for course creators right in the course? Post change requests, make statistics of words with the highest error rate, maybe the most common mistakes?
More data in course search. More filter criteria. How many people finish a course not just start it? Search for similar courses
Auto-ignore duplicates
Option to translate courses. Or personally override items. Sometimes I want to add a clarification to myself in my language, because it is more accurate than the English one. Why can’t we translate the same courses to more languages without copying he course itself?
so in your opinion changes are always good, any changes
hm, did you consider moving to the Atacama? or visiting Erdogan to tell him one or two words? it is about change, after all
(btw, what an horrible lacking any inspiration and talent abomination you posted here… for this kind of stuff one needs a product managger nowadays? some years ago this was some accidental product of 3 years old messing with colours…)
Hydroptere - so, you’ve made it perfectly clear that you don’t like the new decoration scheme. Ok, got it. But what’s the big deal? If they’ve added a feature that you feel is for children, why not just ignore it? Does it really interfere with your learning? Why insult learners who find it refreshing?
You’re the one who wanted to compare this with Khan Academy features. Well, if that’s how you’re thinking, consider this advice from their site:
"5) What’s the point?
You’re an adult. You are here because you wish to learn, and you probably do not need the extra motivation of the point, badges and game mechanics. Don’t let them become an obstacle to learning what you want, and choosing your own path to knowledge."
You can advocate for continued support for course-creators and mems, or urge the development of advanced learning features that are currently missing from the site. Memrise is big enough to have a marketing department AND a development group AND a bug repair department. It’s not like the art department is doing this instead of writing software.
The ranks are not a big issue for me and the proposed change will not affect my learning in any negative way.
If anything I think an update of the images would be a small improvement.
The Space App - which has evolved over the last two years or so, with all the ‘features’ and gizmos and
The original web version with planting, ranks, multimedia levels etc as experienced on the web several years ago, when keen users created a whole host of language and non-language courses to enhance the user’s experience.
Here is some reading (suggestions from Users and Course Creators/ Contributors) that I hope the MemRise team (Cc @lurkmoophy) has read and considered them when thinking about updates:
@DW7 ~ I suspect that is because the change has only been made to the Android app at this point (as the version number in the thread below mentioning them is an Android version number). It is not on the iOS app or web version ~ yet. I would assume they will follow shortly.