Coming Soon - New Ranks

Level 18 and overload is the same thing
And for the other rank, I mentioned points.

i wonder why Ben and Ed did not hire a team whose demographics (and other fundamental characteristics) correspond with the demographics of the medium- and long term userbase… however, it could be indeed true that large swaths of the “Western population” are more infantile than the previous generations. As my father used to say about my own generation: "your generation is the most superficial and infantile that ever lived on earth " (used to make me furious at the time :smile: )

all the signs in the product development at memrise go into one single direction: “learning-app for children”

(and btw, as someone who lived in the Netherlands as expat for some years, I find the Dutch courses not so very “inspiring”)


2 mn points per week?
I had 300k+ week but I always felt like it’s the limit.
If I learn 20 words a day, I can do it all week. If I learn learn 60-70 words a day, I can do it 2-3 days a week, the rest of the days I just try to handle the review tsunami.

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The tsunami is the best part. Lots and lots of points ready to be harvested.
I’ve now my own personal weather forecast station, thanks to colljingle, so I’m ready for it!
I’m armed with an arsenal of his best scripts. :grin:
Locked and loaded.

That is what my overloards brethren do every week, so no, not the limit.
But it is almost twice than their top spots.
If I succeed I would be possibly doing the most points on the site per week.

You’re actually wondering why a for-profit company is focusing on its 20 million app users, instead of its top few hundred users? After operating as a start-up with steady losses for 6 years, the company is earning a profit and growing steadily.

Out of 3 million available Google Play apps, Memrise wins “Best App” and is heavily promoted by Google to sell android devices, and you think they’re going to set aside the champagne and be concerned that Meminences and Memperors aren’t particularly keen about the new levels?

I prefer the old site as well, especially the feeling of community, but referring to any of Memrise’s marketing brilliance as “infantile” does not position your learning or reasoning as superior. Anyone could characterize your “my way is mature, your way is childish” reasoning as the epitome of infantile logic.




“some kind of excitement about when you unlock them” - do you think you’re catering to five year olds?

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Isn’t the point of Memrise to have fun while learning? And the badges simply represent goals. Users can strive to unlock ranks, which, especially for a high rank, would indeed be exciting. I do enjoy the old ranks’ titles but the new mascots are also an interesting concept.

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The early ranks will engage beginning students just long enough to get them off to a strong start in their language learning.


how would you know that? are you sure that 95% of memrise users are children under 12? also, I own a slice of a small firm, namely the firm i work most of the time with. I have some notions about surviving in an overheated economy… btw, did you count how many learning-apps for children are now on the market? what makes you so sure that this (the current strategy at memrise) is the proper strategy for surviving on medium and long range?

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Exactly. I think once you get momentum and you see how fun learning for it’s own sake is, the points become much less important.


Why is the points requirements so extremely low though? Out of curiosity I checked my points per active day, and I average at around 16k. As I would suspect is the case for most people who discover they like the platform, my first couple of days had a relatively high level of activity.

If I am representative, it would seem that new players will go through 1/3 of the rank system in one day and be more than halfway done within the first week. Besides being a waste of artwork, I also doubt that there is much motivational effect in rapidly getting levels during the first couple of days, which presumably when (language) learners have the most motivation anyways, and then essentially never level up later on. I would be very interested if there’s any sources to the contrary. Instead of starting out with exponential growth, I therefore believe especially the early levels should have more regular intervals, e.g.:

Level 1 - 0
Level 2 - 1 000
Level 3 - 5 000
Level 4 - 10 000
Level 5 - 25 000
Level 6 - 50 000
Level 7 - 75 000
Level 8 - 100 000
Level 9 - 150 000
Level 10 - 200 000
Level 11 - 250 000
Level 12 - 500 000
Level 13 - 1 000 000
Level 14 - 2 500 000
Level 15 - 10 000 000
Level 16 - 25 000 000
Level 17 - 50 000 000
Level 18 - 100 000 000

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Cute icon but does not really contribute much concerning learning habits.

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It didn’t strike me instantly, but the new icons are yet another way of removing the MEM from memrise …

Almost all the old levels had titles which involved the use of the prefix “MEM”, but this disappears with the new jellyfish thingy …

And there are still traces of the old gardening image (which I can understand didn’t seem too “trendy” or “hip”) in the website version: you still “plant” a word when you first learn it. I wonder how they will change that imagery to fit in with jellyfish and spaceships, LOL?


so, what’s going on?

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I’m disappointed in the existing naming system being replaced with “Levels”. It was much more fun having names beginning with “Mem” IMO.


it’s actually quite odd, they want to make it more attractive, and leave out one of the creative elements


MEMRISE … maybe it is time to reinvent “skin” option for yourself and your project.

As much as you go for attention of youngsters you might loose attention of dedicated adults.

It is normal to have different tastes and preferences. Support it in your decisionmaking. … It woul be just one click in settings.


Moreover the avatar’s change does not bug me.

Leaving out the witty level names - does.

Memrise is playing it, to be rather more cute in infantile way, on the expense being rather attractive through being witty and clever.