[Site Feedback] A New Ranking Above "Overlord"?

I know we’re not supposed to suggest new feature items any more, but I think it would it be very nice if Memrise created a new rank above Overlord. (But what to call it ?) Seeing as there are now 2 people who are about to double the Overlord threshold, and someday soon there will be others, maybe a new ranking is in order. It could be a great way to acknowledge dedication, persistence and consistent learning on this site.

Whatever the outcome with the ranking issue, kudos to @addiep53 and @romzez for their achievements. They are setting the bar high for all of us !


I am so astonished at some people’s ranks.
I used Memrise every single day, several times a day and I’m still not at the Membassador rank yet.
I have a lot of respect for those whom have reached Overlord and are still powering on with a vast amount of points.

Kudos to you, @pdao, your study achievements are also very respectable and admirable. :smile:


I, like the sensible silent majority, obviously support this, along with more ranks below Overlord and Memperor.


Why not make suggestions about what you, as a serious user of the site, consider to be an enhancement to the overall experience? Sitting back and silently wishing is unlikely to yield what it is you’re after. Squeaky wheels and all that.


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I have done that from time to time. Here are three topics:




It would also be nice if Memrise more fully recognized itself as the community site that it is and also embraced it. One way to do that would be to allow users to choose between different, user created, userstyles and functionalities (userscripts). My Memrise experience is vastly different from most other users. This is my reviewing screen for example: http://i.imgur.com/oM7sncO.png it would be nice of Memrise to let everyone take advantage of tweaks like this, not just experienced users who know where to look.

######Edit: fixed image link.

I too have have supported the idea of more ranks. I’ve previously suggested transitory ranks might be nice and offer encouragement.

I have been a Memonist for so long and I thought a Class 3 at 2.5M points, Class 2 at 3.25M and Class 1 at 4.25M might be a simple solution.

Similar options could be applied to all higher ranks including an Overlord - thus pushing the target higher.

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@DW7, I feel your pain.
When I finally reached Membassador, I was so overjoyed I actually surprised myself how excited I could get over an inconsequential icon on a website. :sweat_smile:
Goodness knows what I’d be like if I ever finally reach Meminence. I honestly don’t believe I’ll ever reach Memperor or Overlord, though. :laughing:

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Thanks @Ravyre for your empathy.

My ‘trouble’ is that I really enjoy creating courses and supporting & improving others, so I spend a lot of time on them. Many courses have been abandoned or the creator is no longer active, so there is no one to correct typos or improve definitions. I used to respond to all the integrated course forum posts but as many have commented, it’s a lot harder now to get in touch, although I have set up the “[Course Forums]” for those I support.

There was talk about offering a badge system (or even points - which I don’t want) for supporting courses.


I’m still waiting for my magical badge for supporting the Membus kickstarter to become a reality. :cry:

I actually would like a “recommend” option on courses.
When I first joined, I relied on however many people joined a course to gauge whether it was any good or not, but sometimes you get new, excellent courses, with very few learners.
So, I thought having something which says “this a damn good course” would be quite helpful.


Yes, I agree @Ravyre :

I actually would like a “recommend” option on courses.

It has been discussed on the previous Forums - not sure if it has here - but it is something many of us would like for those reasons. (Is there a thread about this somewhere?)

You can also get courses with many learners that aren’t that good - so I tend to look at the last month’s popularity.

Incidentally I have also argued (suggested) it would be nice if the “week” count was a rolling 7 day score and the “month” was a rolling 4 weeks score, as it would be far more helpful when looking at the start of a calendar month.


@DW7, you know, I think it would be a lot easier if Memrise just gave us both jobs so we could implement the things the “people” want and need. :wink: Haha!


I’ve just read this thread and fully support you DW7. An excellent idea. Anyone at Memrise agree, eg @Lien? Has consideration be given to this?

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