I’ve created a login just to tell you how terrible this design is. I work in digital creative. This design is awful.
Let’s start from the top.
The logo. The old logo was a bit nothing, but it was inoffensive. The new logo is just … I don’t even know. I understand words like “bold” and “eye catching” would have been used in the design rationale and some side by side comparison of how much the icon now stands out. But what is the actual idea? Chunky, loose fit type that looks more at home on the side of a bottle of kombucha that will vanish from shelves in a month. And those colours … wow. It’s like a road sign warning you to stay away. You’d expect a design like this from 99designs
The Mess My biggest complaint with this new design is that it’s not a redesign, it’s a reskin. It’s just a new coat of paint thrown over the old template. Old problems persist and no new ideas are introduced.
The way icons overlap is clumsy. That enormous button at the bottom is a) too bright and dominating, and b) creates a huge mess when other messy, blobby icons slide half behind it. You’d think an app about learning languages would make the content the priority and push the design into a seamless support that doesn’t distract from the experience. But no, we’re all treated to an “in your face, bold design”. Thanks. Yuck.
Brand blanding The design is confused. On one hand we have HEY I’M YELLOW LOOK AT ME HEY HEY HEY LOOK HERE then we have bleh pastelly blues and greens that all look the same. None of the icons are distinct, visual shorthands are gone. It would maybe work if the actual structure of the design were changed, but as a reskin of the old structure it’s clunky and unrefined. All in all it creates an unpleasant user experience. Which leads me to …
Rationale does not make bad design good I’ve seen a lot of Memrise staff saying “we have reasons for doing this” or “we’ll explain more about the why we’ve made the changes” as if explaining a bad design will make it good. It doesn’t. Execution is what explains design to a user. If I need you there to explain it to me, it’s failed. The immediate user response has been swift and negative. That’s your rationale: people do not like your design. No amount of “well we chose the yellow because of XYZ ye olde study group” makes it suddenly accepted. The rationale for the update itself promises a more “grown up” design yet this feels like a free kids app. It’s a visual nightmare of conflicting and odd choices executed poorly.
As for me, I’ve been enjoying and using Memrise every single day for over a year. Since the redesign I haven’t used the app in a week. If I hadn’t renewed my membership just before the update, I’d have cancelled it. It’s not petty protest, it’s that you’ve created a truly difficult to look at design that is so far away from a good user experience in learning a language that I can’t even begin to understand how the design consultancy arrived here. “User testing”? Who? Showing random vox pops on the street the old and new app icons and asking which one is more “memorable” doesn’t make an eye destroying yellow monstrosity a good choice. If this design persists, I’m cancelling. It’s that bad.
So well done team. You misread the play, but users (actual ones) are giving you invaluable feedback. The choice now is do you rework it and save the flock, or persist and damage the experience?
And no, “we understand change can be jarring” or “give it some time and it might grow on you” won’t suddenly make me say “oh now I get it and I love it”.
Can’t wait til the BrandNew design forum gets wind of it.