What IS it? New design happened too fast

I don’t really understand what you are trying to say. The yellow used for warning signs is used specifically because it has symbolism and evokes feelings of caution and risk (not feelings you would associate with learning) . No one sits and stares at those signs while studying (except perhaps in driver training). Post it notes and sugar melons are an entirely different shade of yellow. This yellow used here is the colour of infant poop. Sorry but it’s true. It is an awful, awful choice.


There’s a couple of things simply missing on the Decks website: the pause button and the button telling you whether you need to review or not if you have a daily goal set, those are just the first things that come to mind.

Oh, and you can’t scroll down after a learning session to have a look at the words you just reviewed. I like to use this to see if I need to change an entry in the database and having the list to check against is really handy.

So, that is three things, just off the top of my head :frowning:


but why even kid websites have those? I always wondered.

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Yeah fair enough, that’s hasn’t bothered me particularly yet. I guess if I really did need to pause I’d just close the session, you don’t lose anything.

I’m puking everytime I open my application.
Give us the old theme back !!


Yeah, I tried to leave a reply too. Shockingly it never appeared.

I did a bit of research into the company that was in charge of the design. Some of their design is truly fantastic, and some manages to be even worse than Memrise’s new look.

Someone who actually works in the industry probably knows why there’s such a difference.

I just still can’t get over this “more adult look” claim. This looks like the BBC kids iPlayer (which they also designed).

Movingbrands is the company, for anyone interested.


I don’t work in the industry, I’m imagining the difference is the amount of money they’re paid?
Or maybe having to satisfy clients with bad taste?

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I think they need to use a better logo/icon. I mean it looks likes a fried egg. It’s not easy to find within a lot of other shortcuts/apps. I can’t associate it with Memrise (or decks) at all in any way… Or is that their new design choice? Fried Eggs! for this forum at least (Yellow header and white body background colours).


I don’t either know the discussions about the web site but it smells like trying to re-brand Memrise with a shocking new look. I would rather see them rebrand themselves with strong software for learning languages and just use a normal web palette (check for example the minimalism behind Apple web pages), but that’s just my opinion.


Dear Memrise designers:

I really prefer the old look and feel of the app, just like I preferred the old Memrise rankings and one cohesive website and app (i.e. no Decks). I would love an option to keep the classic look and feel.

I appreciate the effort to innovate, but would you mind sending dedicated users a survey or something on what we want to be changed? For example, the Grammarbot function is complete garbage - there are numerous posts about it on and off the Memrise site, yet it still exists. I love this app, and will continue to use it (for now), but please don’t change so much that you lose your key audience.

This is an absolute eyesore.


The https://www.movingbrands.com/ website is pretty ordinary to say the least, and actually looks quite buggy, in both Chrome and Safari (various alignment issues etc. The contact form is particularly bad if you scroll down a little)

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Yes, for example the right aligned top text menu is blended in with movingbrands background content, as it’s black sometimes it’s hard to see it (Safari).Pretty big no no any middle level web designer should avoid. The menu entries neither has hilighting when over so you have to guess that it’s a link.

There’s this also mysterious broken set of circles that either indicate loading or clicking, not sure what and when. Kind of abc of web design, don’t ask the end user to figure things out the hard way. Just loading the pages on a fast MacBookPro took an amazing long time compared with the final content when looking at the web page sources.

I would not spend 100k or so using this company, rather hire a good web designer and let her/him go and do it.

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I wouldn’t spend 10c on it…

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I agree.
I really miss the beautiful garden theme.

This design is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. For the first time in history I went right to this site to complain.
It’s not possible to relax for a couple of hours and learn language. My eyes hurts when I look at the screen.
Please Memrise. Remember that not all of your members is 14 years old. There are a quite number of seniors as well.
Please let it be possible to choose a theme?
I refuse to use Memrise with this terrible colour scheme. There is a lot of other apps I can use instead of Memrise.


Moving brands used yellow in a prior project for Veon. Maybe the idea was refurbished for MemRise?

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Try decks.memrise.com - the colours/logos etc. there are actually quite decent (IMHO).
It won’t show any of the “official” courses on your dashboard, but you can still use it - if you have bookmarks for the “Learning” mode for any of those courses, e.g. https://www.memrise.com/course/1389171/japanese-1/garden/learn/ just change the “www” to decks and re-save your bookmark.
Can’t guarantee this will continue to work after April, I gather they’re working on a more complete separation sadly.

Whoever approved the new design has a very serious lack of judgment and should not be allowed to be involved in design or branding decisions again. Awful.


Thank you.

It was not easy to use on my iPhone.

Memrise has now been a highly frustrating experience instead of the calm relaxation it was in the beginning, before the rocket experience.

Please Memrise. Give us a theme choice.



This is how little I know about web design. I did notice the annoying way it loaded, and totally didn’t think about that being part of their product too.

If I was looking at their projects correctly, it looks like they did Netflix and something for Apple. I mean, they obviously didn’t do everything or even the most iconic branding of Apple, but they are taking credit for something.

But yeah…going onto a design website shouldn’t be so annoying. That says a lot about the company.


Maybe we are all in a beta-test of Memrise, without knowing.

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