If you just registered on the board, then this topic will help to guide you through the latest content, which was produced in a very big amount. If you are a veteran here, then you might need to find something substantial that you saw somewhere, but lost. Thus it was decided to create this thread with the most relevant topics. Please, feel free to PM me if I missed anything.
On 19th February Memrise made an announcement about important upcoming changes in its structure:
In mid-March user created courses will be separated from the official Memrise courses and allocated on Decks website.
There will be no Android/iOS apps for Decks website - only mobile website. Subsequently, there will be no offline mode anymore.
The main thread with Memrise’s announcement
Users’ reaction was like this: one, two, three
The Creation of Decks and the Future of Memrise (blogpost by Ed Cooke, Memrise CEO)
Response by LangAddict to Ed Cooke’s post
Poll: what do you think of Decks?
Let’s get together and build an alternative
Meeting with Ed Cooke in London on 7th March
Possible legal actions against Memrise (one, two)
Poll: would you like if the Decks were placed under the care of a nonprofit?
Where will everyone go after the Death of Memrise? (alternatives to Memrise)
Memrise to Anki exporter discussion
Important update by Memrise