Decks Audio

Hi @robotlb you don’t need to wait. Whether your course is in draft form or published, it will be in Decks when the site goes live. Audio will be supported like it is today


Thank you for responding so fast. Most forums are real slow.

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That is a good thought. I will make a folder with my files in case Decks doesn’t transfer as planned.

@kevin5284 has been quite diligent in answering questions relating to the whole Decks thing, actually, this is an unfair accusation.

But there are a few language questions on various forums (Danish comes to mind) that have been unanswered for quite some time, presumably due to lack of qualified staff for that language.


I see your point and you’re right, of course. It might just be my own humble self, who is being frustrated after countless months of talking/writing to walls. And, to be honest (no pun intended), from my experience I can’t help but come to the conclusion that communication with their customers doesn’t seem to be Memrise’s innateness, even if - now that Decks has been thrown at us out of the blue - a single employee has the honor of dealing with resp. calming down infuriated users (I do feel sorry for Kevin!).


@Olaf.Rabbachin happy forum anniversary :cake: To mark this occasion, I thought I’d reflect a bit on the communication point that you and some others have raised.

I understand why you and many others are frustrated that Memrise hasn’t been listening over the past months/years. If I were in your shoes, I think I would also be frustrated. Without justifying it and only explaining it - the reason why Memrise has done a bad job of listening to views here is that the focus of the company has been to develop the official courses. This forum is wonderful - not only for learners to help each other but also for us to listen to you - but it indexes very heavily on users who create/learn on community courses. As a result, opinions on the forum about what Memrise should improve or change skew in one direction, but this is often not the direction that fits with developing the official courses. Ed talks about the company’s change in strategy in the Decks blog post. I think we should have made this explicit and transparent a long time ago as it would have reduced lots of frustration.

On ‘why we didn’t you ask the community about whether to do Decks?’ - it was because having separate products for community course learning and official course learning is something Memrise as a company needs to do, so we felt that positioning it as something that may or may not happen wouldn’t have been genuine. The official courses and the community-created courses are two very different products, with users that have very different needs, so trying to cater to both in one place makes things complicated for us and the experience worse for you. Ed also touches on this in the Decks blog post.

On ‘Ok Decks is happening, but why didn’t you ask us for feedback on the plan’? - I think this one is more nuanced. We tend to receive a lot of angry messages on the forum, so many people who work at Memrise are hesitant to engage anymore (although the majority still read). When it feels like someone only shouts at you, you become less likely to ask them for their opinion. We did actually get feedback from 5-10 heavy course creators by phone and email conversations in early Jan because we knew those conversations would be less shouty. For anyone here who is frustrated, I’d encourage them to voice their frustrations in a non-aggressive way. That will help the two-way dialogue on the forum to open up, which everyone wants.

Although it may not seem like it, I think Memrise is getting better at listening and being transparent. I can say that we’ve heard the feedback about the lack of a mobile app/offline mode for Decks - it has led us to look again at that. And we’ve taken steps recently to be more transparent - the blog post, the engagement here on the forum, the invitation to our office next week. I hope that will continue.


Thank you for this extensive answer. I’m starting to feel more relaxed toward Decks and the fact that you’re at least considering the possibility of an app/offline mode for Decks again is so nice to hear.



You do seem nice and reasonable but I am sorry to say that I have long given up on Memrise listening to its users. I’ve encountered some nice Memrise employees before and I never shout. But there has never been true communication about these decisions before. Why should we believe it different this time?

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Offline mobile Deck app, then I’m happy – even prepared to pay Pro price for that one.


Agreed. That would definitely be a nice and sustainable way to fund the Decks going forward.

The Decks website should be free to access for everyone, but the App (if it’s ever made) should require the Pro subscription to access (at all). It would definitely be worth it.

With that model we also would not have to worry about the issue of the community created courses competing with Memrise’s official courses anymore as people would be paying for a Pro subscription whether they prefer one or the other (or both), it would be universally beneficial.


The Problem with Memrise always has been the non-existent communication between those who made memrise big (the course creaters) and those who are offering the platform for them.
If u compare Memrise to a game like Path of Exile (of course Memrise isn’t a game) where the Devs are taking time to join poadcasts for upcoming changes, where the Devs are making the game as transparent as possible, listening to players, streamers and feedback in the forum… You definitely will be frustrated seeing what job is done on Memrise. Bugs and problems are lasting for years and all Memrise-Devs have done is changing the App-Layout from time to time. 99% of fixes and improvements are user-created user-scripts. Not even the ghost-entry-problem is solved yet. If u speak to a person that is not answering for years, you might start shouting to check if the person maybe is deaf or just hard of hearing.


Kevin, it’s great to have this kind of an open dialogue at last. I’d suggest to make this as a starting point for all the cojointed future endeavours. Let’s fix this broken communication.


This is a catch 22 situation. You are afraid to talk to the users, maybe even afraid to listen to them, because they are badmouthing you. The users are shouting and badmouthing you because you are not listening to them. Then hire a guy or a gal who are not afraid to talk to the people and break this endless circle. It’s the easiest way, because even if nine users are not raising their voices, no one can guarantee a presence of a tenth who is yelling at you.

I think that old-time users are tremendously frustrated and tired because of your silence and a lack of feedback. I’m still consider myself as a newbie here, but this is so freaking in the air. For example, you can create a bug report thread (not raising a voice) and there will be none of your staff and after some years the bug will still be safe and sound (an example which I remember).

The users are afraid that Memrise will destroy what they really love - this is another reason why they are screaming at you. It’s not a business for them, it’s something more important, it’s their life. Your moves are unpredictable.

Like, no one knows what you will break in the next Android update. People were bying lifetime subscriptions for Memrise they knew, but you are offered them this weird Decks. It’s like to go into market and buy bananas, but then to find out that actually you bought some fish. You are so unpredictable, that you acting like you don’t need money which the users are paying.

That’s great, thank you.


THIS +1000


There’s nothing dangerous to listen to users/content creators on forums – and even respond. Good developer teams engage in this. It takes some thick and professional skulls to take part of it but that’s why you hire professional developers and customer service people.

The opposite, hide and not listen to customers, seldom if ever results in anything good for the company.


This is the most ridiculous forum community!! I started this topic to answer a question. In my original post eluded to the fact that all other questions asked in other posts are being buried by, off topic, complaining customers.

Please move your complaints to an appropriate post and let people use technical post to ask/answer technical questions.

Sorry that so many of you are having trouble with Memrise communication. However, I have received an answer, in this thread, after asking a question. It was a great answer from Kevin(Memrise employee), and suggestion from lodrogyaltsen3 (user). This info my be helpful to other users. Unless, like myself, they start reading 10+ off topic complaints and give up on the post as a viable source for a solution.

Again, don’t get me wrong if you are paying, have paid, for a service and are not getting what is owed. Fight for what you are due. But not on other people’s posts.

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That is a bit tricky for this thread because the first post was already off-topic and Kevin gave an extensive answer to the following discussion. But you could have just politely asked someone with editing privileges to split up the topic.

@Arete_Hime, @DW7, @Angharad.Merfin or @alanh
Would one of you be so kind to split off posts from this topic into a topic about communication?

Cheers! :smile:

I see your point! It would be great if we all would find a solid basis for an open and respectful dialogue.
If you promise that you guys will try to open up their ears to us, I’ll promise you to be kind, friendly and understanding (which actually is in my nature!). :smirk:

That is about the most encouraging phrase I’ve heard from you guys in a whole while, thank you!


Did you know that you can mark postings as solution to your original problem? This way they’ll also be highlighted, which helps others looking for a solution to the same problem.
FWIW, even when sticking to the original topic, threads can get quite confusing which is why the solution-attribute is a great means to let the right postings stick out.

P.S.: And sorry for posting off-topic stuff in your thread, it just happens every so often!

I’d be so happy if this WAS solved one day soon!

It is so frustrating as a course contributor who has worked really really hard on improving definitions and removing old, not very good, or simply wrong definitions, to see them pop up in multiple-choice boxes :frowning:


Hi there @robotlb & @duaal, I’m afraid a lot is going on very quickly and it is getting confusing and onto multiple topics.

I agree, having had time to read through, that it has also developed into a “communication” issue and a separate thread would be a good idea.

However the trouble is that some posts should be in both threads and one can not duplicate.

As @kevin5284 has posted some great comments here, I think he would be best placed to decide which posts to move and where (please).
Or perhaps he can create a new thread about communication and repost (by copy & paste) to that one.