Struggle (fight) with Memrise

Yes, Memorion is a good app

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Go, if you can! On ‘our’ (whoever wants to join that group) of us, too :slight_smile:

I’m impresed by the efatures to important decks from other website.

Yes, exactly


Please, please do this.

I suggest requesting a meeting between Memrise and whichever users live in or are willing to travel to London. This can be at their offices or in a cafe/ bar/ pub. Timewise I suggest Friday late afternoon/ early evening so as many people can attend as possible.

They have previously held a meetup, so if they are serious about community this is the time to have another one.


Hi there, this is Ed, Memrise co-founder and CEO. Thanks for this suggestion, I think It would be great to hear from you and any other passionate London-based Memrise users who’d like to share their views on Decks and Memrise. I’m wondering if Wednesday evening next week would work for you, March 6th, at, say, 6 p.m.? We’re based in Spitalfields. Let me know if this might suit, and we’ll see about recruiting a few other Londoners to share their views / needs. Thanks.


Your profile doesn’t look very offical, can we get some staff with visible creds in this thread to confirm?

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Right… :stuck_out_tongue:


@Sakana-otoko @Vikestart yes it is him. Like Ed said we’d be very happy to host you in our office next week and discuss Decks with you


Oh my… too far away… :persevere:

It’d be great if some people living in that area took up on that offer though, it’d be interesting to see what could come from such a meeting.

I’d be very interested in attending. Would it be open to all?


Dear Ed,

Really appreciate the reply.

7pm would be preferable as it would mean I wouldn’t have to leave work early and I’m sure would give others time to travel to Spitalfields.

Definitely can’t do Tuesday.

Wednesday evening is my real life weekly Korean class but willing to miss it, if Thursday or Friday doesn’t work. Also happy to do Saturday morning, although I understand this may not suit everyone.


Yeah, we could do March 7th, Thursday evening at 7 p.m. if that suits people at our offices in Spitalfields.


@tommcb yes open to all


Details and list of those confirmed to be attending (so far) are:

Invitation to the community to discuss “Decks” hosted by Ed Cooke

Thursday, March 7th at 7pm
Memrise, 3-5 Fashion Street, London, E1 6PX

nearest stations:
Liverpool Street (Mainline, Central, Hammersmith & City, Circle, Metropolitan)
Aldgate East (District, Hammersmith & City)

I will be attending.

Also attending @scmelville @tommcb @silentshuffle

May attend @houssam.alissaed

Anyone else in London/ Willing to travel to London?


Can someone livestream the meeting?

I am in the US and cannot attend, but I would like to point out this thread of mine.

As well as the fact that a user-created spanish course is more popular than two official “higher level” Memrise spanish courses.


Hi Ed,

I sadly moved away from the UK several years ago, otherwise I’d attend. I think it’s great it seems like you’re listening to people, but please be aware that the majority of people won’t be able to attend, raise their voices and hear your thoughts in-person.

I do want to say that I am really against this decision. I use Memrise for my own customised learning, and have created a lot of courses for people (for free mind you) because I love helping other people learn.

People come here for the UI friendly customisable SRS features Memrise provides.

Even if Decks is mobile friendly, people who don’t get internet won’t be able to use it; long-term users will lose progress; it disrupts study flow; it will likely be very buggy at the start (all programs are, that’s just how it goes).

And honestly the Memrise made courses are not very good, very narrow in content and only caters for one type of learner (the beginner tourist) when there are many (those studying for reading/watching/speaking/exams etc).

Automatically signing people up to the Memrise courses when they create an account and not letting people search for new courses on the app is also really unfair and bias. Also, at least for Japanese, the Memrise official courses are HARD and discourages new learners from wanting to study the language.

I think this move will drive away a lot of users and be detrimental to Memrise going forward.

Thanks for listening! Good luck with the talk!


This is a brilliant idea. I’ll try to make it along too.

If, in terms of the actual learning process, Decks functions in exactly the same way as Memrise, I am personally not opposed to the separation, but I share the seemingly universal concern about the lack of a mobile app/offline mode. This is certainly the main reason (in my case the only) for which many members pay for Pro.

I would also like to strongly advocate the introduction of a rating or “like” system for user-created courses. The current system, in which courses for a specific language/subject are listed by number of users, has made it near-impossible to promote new courses. Courses that have been on the site since its early days, regardless of quality, remain high up on the list, taking away the incentive to invest time in creating high-quality new courses.

Finally, it would be great to see some kind of user interaction platform reintroduced in Decks. Even just the reintroduction of the bio field - it makes the site less impersonal and allows course creators to promote new courses etc.


It’s a very good idea and great decision! Thank you for that.
Even if nothing is going to be changed, open communication is always the best option. Meeting point is about 20,000 km from me, I don’t need a better excuse to miss.
However, I’m sure some people will come and will share Memrise’s message.

Dear Mr. Cooke

Thank you for your feedback. Please, listen to your users, 'cause you created this resource for users.

Dear All,
I kindly ask you all of you to share this information (About meeting at the Memrise office).

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