[Site Feedback] Things that I really dont like about Memrise

@hallgat89 and @pdao: amazing indeed! but the feature is as old as memrise :grin: one of the last original features of memrise. That is why I did not understand the “autoadvance” question…

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It’s always nice to be pleasantly surprised and have new avenues of learning experiences presented. Even if they were known to others, they come as surprises to those who were not previously aware.


No. That doesn’t solve my issue. It was advancing as I was typing a long sentence, for some reason it accepted less than was asked for. Then I got the next answer wrong because I was still typing and hit enter before I realized it had advanced. I want the option to only proceed to the next question after I hit Next, similar to the app.

Which is why I was listing the things “I don’t like” and not the “the things Hydroptere doesn’t like”.

@WildSage more specific details would help. Does your ‘auto-advance’ happen all the time for you?

After inputting the correct answer it ‘auto-advances’ when the timer runs out, before that I have to hit enter to move on (if you hit enter twice it’s moves on to the next item faster)

Could you be running out of time on a long sentence and that’s why it’s moving on?

Is there punctuation in the sentences you are having problems with?

A comma breaks up an answer into alternatively acceptable answers. ‘‘so this, for example’’ = ‘‘so this’’ would count as correct or ‘‘for example’’

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@pdao Memrise has a lot of great features, but they are often easy to miss! :sunflower:

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@leggi ~ that’s part of the “adventure” in learning on Memrise, I guess (the revelation of something new or different, even if it is has been there all along but was not apparent). Having others point things out is sometimes faster or more efficient than discovering it for oneself. Another reason why the Memrise community is so beneficial and helpful towards one’s overall learning experience !

Are you using the script, MemriseTurbo?

This may be it. That is strange that they cut off the sentences that way.

EDIT: I just discovered this: Punctuation Triggers Premature Completion of Answer

No scripts. I don’t trust scripts. I think leggi might have gotten the correct explanation.

I have been a member for several years. I just finished scanning the forum postings when I noticed this title.I agree with what you have said but, not in such a dogmatic way as you have expressed it. The reason they are not listening to us, is there is no incentive for staff to do so. If Management wanted tto respond they easily could to many of these issues that jusgt continue on and on over the years under different categories, and attached to different problems.

I love memrise and I know I wouldn’t even be where I am today in my learning if it wasn’t for memrise; however, the lack of response from customer service/help is really frustrating.

I have a lifetime pro membership from the membus kickstarter and I swear, it feels like memrise just took all that money and said “thanks, ok bye!” I feel that ever since that campaign was so successful that the focus went completely off memrise.com and that is so devastating. They are not fixing the issues we need fixed, like the horrible streak counter and the timer that needs to be changable, and they are changing things like the android and iOS apps instead (when they were ok as is).

I wish they would get back to what made them great, customer service and being interested in making users successful in their learning.


I fully agree with @hallgat89. The speed reviews are way too fast for the options. I can only read two options before the time runs out. Most of the times I know the answer, just can’t find it.

In many cases the foobar (permanently annoying description) format makes it impossible to even read one option completely.
This rally needs to be changed. It really takes the fun out of learning.


I have a user script for this if you want it.

They need to bring back the pinning option.

Once enrolled in the course, it seems impossible to tell if you are enrolled in an English or English (US) version. This is very frustrating because apparently Memrise is making improvements to the Japanese courses for English but not for English (US), primarily with katakana recognition.

Looking at the course descriptions and titles below, it is impossible to tell which one is for English and which one is for English (US). Just adding a note in the description seems like it would be an easy fix.

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Is there any way to slow down the Speed Review? I’ve been searching for a website that would someone display Memrise.com in a frame and allow the speed to be slowed down. No luck yet.


You could just use the Classic Review

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I think that the speed review is an excellent tool, but could be vastly improved if the time allowed was varied according to the number of words or characters displayed on the screen in any one test item. For example, I am doing French 3, and I can usually cope with a choice of four words or groups of two or three words. But I struggle where there are four sentences starting with ‘est-ce que’ to choose from, and I am desperately scanning for key works and not always seeing them in the time allowed.


I paid for pro recently, first it was NOT a lot of money for a year. Secondly it give access to local video clips of native speakers, worth it as Memrise course actually has Spanish rather than Latino-Americans which most courses use for cost/market reasons.There’s the listening skills to, which make a session much more enjoyable.
I think the reason custom cards is free, is because of how you grow a base; YOU ARE SUGGESTING CREATORS should pay, rather than consumers.
If I want to make a memrise set of cards on their site and have NOT paid, then morally that work belongs to them. If I have to subscribe to create content, then why should they be free to recycle it?