[Site Feedback] Things that I really dont like about Memrise

I’ve had exactly this experience with Spanish, where “You’re (singular, permanently)” or "You’re (singular, temporarily) is displayed on a phone, with the text flowing in different ways. Combined with tempting answers, despite the words being familiar, I’ve lost hearts due to time fault just as I’m touching the right answer. There’s just too much to read in the time.

On other hand, sentences using the verbs, there’s little problem with, the main trap where gender is involved and if you rush, it’s easy to pick “soy inglesa” rather than “soy inglés” with the question being "I’m English (said by a man).


“Auto Advance” = “Auto accept”: Get rid of the auto-accept in the web-version

You can look at the JS source code (without /raw/) for yourself.
It works!

How can you even do typing courses (incl. longer phrases/sentences) without installing the “Timer Disabler” user script?

Thomas, I can still do that without disabling the times, I never used that script :innocent:. I wonder when/how soon i’ll start getting completely crazy with the resp. Mandarin/Japanese phrases :crazy_face: You should see this one course
I think the author is not very compassionate or even polite towards the users (and being the course about Pali-Buddhism, I wonder how come… see Level 36 - Test 测试 - Basic Pali Vocabulary & Grammar - Memrise and others, with strict typing!!!)

aside that, I wish we could get rid of the huge and useless and stupid “next” button (which button is crazier than me, tells one “learn new words” in finished courses haaaallloooo!!! memrise!), and that we would have the option to get rid of the auto-accept as such. Among others, among many others…I regret till today that mems do nor circulate anymore among courses (it felt like a huge disaster for the many users of the HSK/frequency courses, when they “introduced” this bug-feature/disimprovement/what ever).

also, I’ve been feeling annoyed for years with this “intermediary” page after reviewing, the navigation should be considerably simplified, but the team does not like “lean design”, is more in favour of gaming gimmicks.

Wow, this course and language looks complicated :slight_smile:

I found a new bug that I was not able to continue typing the incorrect answer (copy typing screen) for Memrise’s offical non-strict-typing courses, as the on-screen clearfix keyboard was missing and words were not accepted without their diacretics.

IMHO I really need to adjust a full PT BR typing keybord for my default German hardware keyboards; the downloadable Portuguese default Windows keyboards are N O T that optimal configured for the US keyboards - so I have to “design” my own keyboard.

Then I would NOT have to care about Memrise bugs or losing time with my mouse overing over on-screen diacretics - which are missing at the moment for PT1-7 anyways…

Q: Do you really use those strict-typing courses with included phrases / sentences without the script “Auto correct”?

When I had to disable “Auto correct” for the PT BR course by MartinPen I recognized that I know most of the PT words (I review it daily), but not knowing how to correctly write all of them after 1,3years :frowning:

I start to wonder if that is bad for learning Portuguese or for boosted learning and easier review time.


I still have hard times (after 1,3 years) translating or writing what I hear with the DuoLingo “timed practice” (timer way too fast) exercises for Portuguese BR, especially when they are longer; additionally there are high lags - and I hate that the timer runs out for the last words or characters, so I can not really finish the sentence or at least hit the check / continue buttons.

I wish I could go back to DuoLingo’s old script “DuoLessonsFix” which paused the timer between questions (kicking of lags, audio not playing, check button not activated, etc.) :frowning:

And I find it quite challenging to kick me myself to review Memrise PT1-7 (sentences), even with the timer disabled.

For some days after the last Memrise update I had “auto correct” and “all typing” scripts turned OFF and reviewed some “words” (sentences) in the default Memrise way of forced multiple-choice for phrases/sentences > 15 characters.

Quite hard to get the >100 backlogs (329, 189) down - I do not even try at the moment for completed PT Basic, PT1-5.

I do better with PT6+7, but I fail to start 1-3x times / day a 100 words reviewing session or 100% finish it, to get the backlogs down to 0.

Much easier to review only single word courses (not matter if timer or without).

Overdueness / self-rating the thought answer:

I hope AnkiSRS will help me with it’s included improved overdueness algorithm to port those completed Portuguese courses over (Memrise2Anki, importer has SSL verify error on my old PC system).

I really really miss Cooljingle’s “Catch Up Review” overdueness script so much.

I started to read into SRS blogs / Anki forum / Windows application and it’s IMHO more complicated settings, decks, filtered decks, best practice suggestions, etc.

Maybe (probably) it is better (for me) to see some sentences daily / weekly by not having to type the answers every time but just self-rating yourself (without M/C hints on the screen), if you would have known the phrase/sentence, instead of:

Not finding the nerves for typing out my huge backlog on a regular (daily) basis :frowning:

I would like very to see the
a the numbers in front of items (in multiple choice phases),
b the pinyin
c and the furigana

in some other nuance than this silly pale grey (cold bordeaux would be better)

I would like very much for the dashboard and categories to load faster

I would like very much to see these stupid “next up” and “ziggy” vanish (despite using a filter, i still see the ugly what ever when clicking “my profile” and “log out”)

I would like to have a functional search - not one that obscures one third of the courses

I would like a functional next page after reviewing a batch of items, not a slow loadind “intermediate” page which phoney statistics. I don’t need that page

I hate not seeing the whole word/item when one of the languages is German/Japanese etc (this happens constantly since the team took care to move the answers in 2 vertical columns. Despite many of us complaining about that, nothing happened. )

these on top of the things mentioned by others users above

but of course in the meanwhile we got more orange…


The interface changed today? The yellow does not look good with the blue.


That was the first thing I noticed logging on today! At first I thought the yellow bar only showed up for “incomplete” courses (with completed courses keeping the green bar), but no, it shows up with “complete” courses too - which doesn’t match the green text below that reads ‘Course complete’! (And it doesn’t match anything on the main course page, either.) A small change but already quite a frustrating one!

Personally, I’d have preferred to see an option to prevent the main page from autoloading courses upon scrolling - and a much better course-selection interface in general - rather than a random colour change, but I suppose Memrise has its reasons. (???)

EDIT: Oh dear, the yellow bar remains in reviewing sessions. With the flower icon, points counter, and answer bar remaining green. ;_; (Reminds me how I miss the gardening metaphors as well as the sensible colour scheme!) Yellow’s a horrible, incomplete colour, halfway between bed (BAD) and green (GOOD). Why get rid of a sensible, comforting green?? :S


In a way, I’m glad you noticed that too. At first, I thought something was wrong with my computer’s setting. It’s … a bit garish?
I preferred the green. Glad I’m making some progress with anki.


They do seem fond of clashing colours.

While making a new mem today I noticed bold and italic are not working anymore. That did work yesterday and my old mems are fine.

(Also the closing X was moved a bit to the middle and I am constantly trying to click in the wrong place)


Not only has the colour changed but when you complete a session it does not show how much time you’ve spent doing it!


I guess this is why there were some downtimes in the server yesterday. I know our opinion doesn’t matter for much, but I hope the yellow reverts to green, and we get the tracker for time we spent reviewing back!


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

As this thread is well over a year old and as a lot has happened in the last year, I will close this thread, as there is much discussion about the new face-lift elsewhere.

I hope anyone visiting this thread manages to find a more appropriate thread to continue the conversation.