Wow, this course and language looks complicated
I found a new bug that I was not able to continue typing the incorrect answer (copy typing screen) for Memrise’s offical non-strict-typing courses, as the on-screen clearfix keyboard was missing and words were not accepted without their diacretics.
IMHO I really need to adjust a full PT BR typing keybord for my default German hardware keyboards; the downloadable Portuguese default Windows keyboards are N O T that optimal configured for the US keyboards - so I have to “design” my own keyboard.
Then I would NOT have to care about Memrise bugs or losing time with my mouse overing over on-screen diacretics - which are missing at the moment for PT1-7 anyways…
Q: Do you really use those strict-typing courses with included phrases / sentences without the script “Auto correct”?
When I had to disable “Auto correct” for the PT BR course by MartinPen I recognized that I know most of the PT words (I review it daily), but not knowing how to correctly write all of them after 1,3years
I start to wonder if that is bad for learning Portuguese or for boosted learning and easier review time.
I still have hard times (after 1,3 years) translating or writing what I hear with the DuoLingo “timed practice” (timer way too fast) exercises for Portuguese BR, especially when they are longer; additionally there are high lags - and I hate that the timer runs out for the last words or characters, so I can not really finish the sentence or at least hit the check / continue buttons.
I wish I could go back to DuoLingo’s old script “DuoLessonsFix” which paused the timer between questions (kicking of lags, audio not playing, check button not activated, etc.)
And I find it quite challenging to kick me myself to review Memrise PT1-7 (sentences), even with the timer disabled.
For some days after the last Memrise update I had “auto correct” and “all typing” scripts turned OFF and reviewed some “words” (sentences) in the default Memrise way of forced multiple-choice for phrases/sentences > 15 characters.
Quite hard to get the >100 backlogs (329, 189) down - I do not even try at the moment for completed PT Basic, PT1-5.
I do better with PT6+7, but I fail to start 1-3x times / day a 100 words reviewing session or 100% finish it, to get the backlogs down to 0.
Much easier to review only single word courses (not matter if timer or without).
Overdueness / self-rating the thought answer:
I hope AnkiSRS will help me with it’s included improved overdueness algorithm to port those completed Portuguese courses over (Memrise2Anki, importer has SSL verify error on my old PC system).
I really really miss Cooljingle’s “Catch Up Review” overdueness script so much.
I started to read into SRS blogs / Anki forum / Windows application and it’s IMHO more complicated settings, decks, filtered decks, best practice suggestions, etc.
Maybe (probably) it is better (for me) to see some sentences daily / weekly by not having to type the answers every time but just self-rating yourself (without M/C hints on the screen), if you would have known the phrase/sentence, instead of:
Not finding the nerves for typing out my huge backlog on a regular (daily) basis