Rollout of the new dashboard and learning sessions experiences to all our customers

9 posts were split to a new topic: Adverts in the apps

Thanks @johnastsang @cos and @James_g_memrise !

Guess I’ll just wait and see what happens. Will make sure to do some reviewing once the time is right.

I really like using this app and hope the new product will be a good one (preferably with mems and community courses😘, it’s what makes Memrise unique).



It is not really that we don’t like the new features you’re doing. It is more that we are disappointed you are removing mems that we have signed for. Mems that are even in the name of your service and are like your trademark, you know?
New design and whatever new features you’re planning to implement – all that is in the testing stage, so no one can really judge how it will turn out in the end (however, I am happy you decided to remove vids at the end of review sessions).
What we are asking for is that you leave features we love available for the time being. That’s it. Like, nothing more. You can then do whatever else features you want and we might like them as well when they’re done.


I think @Olaf.Rabbachin could help.

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I started to use this app in 2015. I quickly bought Premium. Since this time I have used Premium. I had a 3 years break in learning, but I believed in this app and even if I didn’t learn, I keep having Premium. I love mems, I am sad that is over :frowning_face: Please let it be still alive!


Is it possible to break out all of the new comments from the past several hours into a new thread, about advertisements on the app? It’s a separate discussion from the rest of the comments here, and it would be easier to find if it were separate and had its own title that indicated it was a discussion about advertisements.



See this thread and please continue the discussion about adverts in the apps there:


Hi all, just wanted to cross-post this here for more visibility:


Oh, can you also bring back the pause button to review/study sessions?
It was very convenient.

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My Magyar-German-course "Ungarisch = Freude, Audios & Videos” went online last week. Over time the course will extend in stages.

This is the page on a computer. It pops up when you learn a word the first time:

This is the page on a mobile device. It pops up when you learn a word the first time:

My questions regarding the App on mobile devices:

  1. Is there a plan to get the “Memo” (picture) on the Mobil-App as well? If yes, when will it be?
  2. I can’t copy and paste the shown links. How can I do it? It works on the computer.

I am deeply disappointed and terribly frustrated that you are removing mems that I personally created for the JLPT Japanese kanji courses that my Japanese teacher painstakingly created for his students using Memrise. He chose Memrise over Anki but I guess he regrets his choice now.

I have created 400+ personal mems which help me tremedously to remember the 400+ kanji we need to know to pass the JLPT N5 and N4 exams. Reviewing these kanji without the mems I created myself will totally nullify the gains that I have made to date. If I forget the meaning of a certain kanji, I always go back to the mem to help me remember. I was planning to do this for the JLPT N3 course that my teacher created but trying to study kanji without mems to help me learn and memorize them is completely useless.

Why don’t you make a compromise and let those who created their own mems to keep them and let them be part of their customized courses? Why penalize those actually have created and use mems? Unlike those you say that don’t use mems, I absolutely do and find them to be an essential component of my learning. You can check my stats and mems. I speak the truth!


Could you post the links for the courses here? I can’t see them in your profile.

I tried the beta again. It looks like you added the repeating with only typing again? I’m really thankful for that! What I’m still missing though is an option to turn on and off the sound during a lesson. Would it be possible to add that too?

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Are you a Memrise admin? These are kanji courses for my teacher’s students only. They were not created for the Memrise community or for public consumption. Unfortunately, I don’t have permission to share or post the links to the courses as I was not the one who created them. I only created customized mems for the kanji covered in the courses.

No, I’m not an admin. I’m just a Japanese learner curious about your courses. It’s okay that your courses are private. Happy learning!

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Why are you ignoring other questions?

More specifically

  • What will become with the structure of the courses? Will you remove levels?

  • Will it be possible to add words and phrases which are not in your database?

  • Why the community courses have to migrate? Why you can’t keep them as they are and where they are? Can we choose where our courses will stay?

  • Will you remove attributes from the cards data?

In other words, there’s more than one way to break the community courses and “nothing is happening to the community created courses” is not exactly the truth.


Firstly @Hombre_sin_nombre let me wish you a very merry Christmas

I can’t go into too much detail on this because it is months away, we haven’t done any technical discovery yet alone design or coding for the new system for community content, so no one has precise answers on anything. But that is why I say nothing is changing on community courses, because they will be staying as they are for probably a good 6 months and they are not blocking any of the other work we are doing so there’s no need for imminent changes on our end.

But these are the best answers I can provide:
1- Levels will be replaced with scenarios inside a language, there will not be courses in the new platform, just a language. But there should still be ways to follow scenarios in a designated order by creators just not in a ‘course’. I hope you can agree that people want to learn French, not 27 separate French courses.
2- Yes we intend to let people add words and phrases outside our official content, we know full well we can’t cover all items ourselves
3- At least initially I believe community courses will be copied, not migrated. So you’d be able to use either system.
4- I don’t know of any plans to alter attributes on the cards. The web learning sessions rebuild you can test now in beta and Android will be available soon. It’s unlikely attributes will work exactly the same for content created in the new system because the current system is a bit strange for those who’ve not been using it for 10 years, but as I said we really have no designs yet.

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keep that nonsense for your official courses. Please don’t mess with the hundreds of hours course creators poured into their work.


that sounds terrible… Generation snowflake cannot cope with anything else? replacing the mess and dangers of life (old memrise, lol) with a tidy, dictatorial, artificial one-size-fits-all.

Btw, what for incentives should users have to add content to your scenarios? I am picky, prefer the illusion of choice among 1027 French courses, not 27.

the conclusion seems: in 6 months user generated content shall be effaced. Ok, got it

happy new year!