Do you Speak Attic Greek? - Sprechen Sie Attisch?

I made this course and I’ looking for people that help me to improve this course, with stuff like making better english - ancient greek translations and adding audio for the greek phrases, also I want you to get failiar with the course and start to studying it and memorize it, here´s the course:

ES: Este curso esta basado en el texto alemán “Sprechen Sie Attisch” del Dr. Phil E. Joannides, el cual es de dominio público y eta disponible en Archive. Org: [] Por otro lado hay que agradecer a los varios miembros de Textkit que hicieron posible la traducción del alemán al ingles.


Well You might get better at it if you take classes so that a teacher can help you with the grammer and you learn words at home. I take Latin and Ancient Greek classes and I lately found that not all the books have the same translation or same kind of explaining stuff. It might be pretty difficult to understand each other but I would like to help you improve :slight_smile:. But speaking a Latin or Ancient greek audio might be difficult because almost no one knows how to speak it. There are some students and teachers that do speak it but it’s not even close to the original (from what I heard)

Hi there @Meuwww ,

I have made some changes already and will return to the course after this Easter period is over.

I wanted to clarify exactly what changes you were willing to accept; after all it is your course and so I didn’t want to jump in and make any radical changes.

The Greek is mostly okay, only the accentuation gets a bit messy sometimes, particularly with enclitics. English, as you have identified, is very “pompous” (maybe), or Victorian, in that nobody speaks like that. If you’re comfortable with me making changes to the English then I’m more than happy to do that; In addition to my own judgement, I will make use of Eleanor Dickey’s edition of the Colloquia Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana which contains - as you no doubt already know - real-ish phrases from Ancient Latin-Greek phrasebooks.

I have studied Greek for many years and speak Latin well enough to get by in conversation, however I haven’t attempted spoken Greek. I think your course will be useful for that first step.

It must have taken you a long time to put together this course. You have done a very good job. I understand quite well how easily mistakes can slip through, especially in a course of this size, so, considering that for the most part it is crisp and presents the source material, you ought to be congratulated. Well done :slightly_smiling_face:

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ALL introductory textbooks for Greek radically simplify the Grammar in order to make it palatable for learners; the same can be said for any language. Great caution must be taken in particular when dealing with Greek. It is far more complex than that.

Many of the translations offered by Meuwww are attested in the LSJ, and therefore are valid. The Grammar is mostly simple, but that is to be expected from a phrasebook.

I agree with the audio. There is too much division in that area - I myself prefer a puritan, restored pronunciation, while others use approximate modern simplifications or Modern Greek pronunciation. I would leave it out, at least for the time being.

The Latin speaking community is quite vast. Even in Australia there was a handful of people who partook in the activity; it is much more widespread here in Europe as well as in America. And they speak quite well; the main partisans (usually academics) still publish in Latin, which speaks a lot about the quality of their Latin proficiency.

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Hi @Nathaniel.Agnew It´s great to read you here too.

  1. I see what you did to the course and for me is great, this is what I really want traslations more flexible and not too"rigid" or “victorian” so in this first point just don´t mind about what changes I´m willing to accept because I just want a natural english versions that capture most of time nor literal but the semantic meaning, this is it.

2.The audio, yes I think it´s not necessary and could be a discordia´s topic, so yes better igonre it for the inmediately.

  1. What really matters I think more than audio and those things is a guess two things: A. know whats happening in every greek sentence, it means that when people read those greek phrases they can know whats happening morfological and syntactically, I guess the course could give some tracks when the syntax or the morphology is a bit complicated or confuse or is just really necesary to be explain. 2.Correct almost every errata and every accentuation, I had compared almost all the versions I copy in the course with the book itself and at least book, but in any case there could be a mistake I haven´t see or that I did, so yes acentuation need to be review.

And finally I really find awesome that you can speak latin, I hope I could make that but with greek. Idk why there´s no many chances of learn Ant.greek as a leaving language, or to say in other words I don´t know why the natural approach had been changed by the grammatical and morphological-syntax scan translation methods, I think both can be use at the same time and aren´t opposites nay complementary.

I really appreciate what you are doing for the memrise course and I appreciate your good will and your help, and yes Eleanor Dickey´s book I think will give to the course a big quality jump.


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Thanks Áng!

I’ll start working more thoroughly on the course. I noticed that the Greek errata stopped rather quickly after the first two levels, so I think that field is all okay. I’ll continue with the English :smile:

It’s a really great course :+1:

I added an Introduction tab, too, in which I translated your Spanish and gave links to the source material.

By the way, hablas inglés muy bien!

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Awesome, thanks.

I understand the course not of my own but of everyone who want to use it so feel free to do what you think is the best for it, because it´s also your course, what I did is just a first step that had to be done.
I think I haven´t finish my duty because I’ll have to continue duplicating the final levels -I think duplicate the levels is a good strategy to reinforce what have been learnt- so when I get some free time again I´ll do this thing.

By the way anything which I can be useful to, just you don´t mind to tell me.

M Áng

Speak you spanish?

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Great! Sounds good to me :slight_smile:

Not really, just basics. But I speak Italian and can normally figure out written Spanish with help from that (and Latin) :wink:

awesome, recently by the way i found a chat on handouts where people speak ancient greek. Idk how i find it, I actually don´t remember , but if you want it I can put the link here.


Hey friends! we should do something or memrise course are going to be deleted… we need to save them, is totally unfair what the people in charge of memrise is doing to this wonderful app, they are destroying it from inside.

This is not correct, nothing is happening to the community created courses.

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