Review broken again?

From what I’ve seen, they often put updates like this out on Thursdays. Call me cynical, but I’m starting to suspect that we’re being given the role of involuntarily testing their updates. They set it up just before the weekend, then have a bunch of bug reports ready to be looked at by Monday. :confused: (Just a theory, to be fair.)

Cynicism aside, I really hope things can get sorted out with items being counted as wrong after going to the info page. I use this feature all the time to look for opportunities to improve my courses, such as checking the audio quality, seeing what alts are currently accepted, etc, and being unable to do so has been quite an obstacle since the issue began.

For the record, I haven’t seen any error screens on my end yet; it still just treats the item as if I had gotten it wrong for the session. I’m using Firefox.


I don’t think you’re being cynic. Seems quite clear that we’re guinea pigs. This would be fine IF the staff (HELLO, I’m sure someone’s here) would listen and be communicative. If they said on Thursday, hey, we’re rolling out these updates x, y, and z, and promptly on Monday addressed all of the complaints – that’d be OK. But I’ve truly never seen a site that is focused on crowd sourcing and also has a subscription service be this bad with talking to its users. It’s rather shameful and dishonest on their part.

Others have mentioned some diabolical psychological warfare, like how they ignored us for weeks about removing mems, then decided to break their silence and reverse the change, which lead to people cheering and praising memrise. I don’t know if that was as calculated as perceived. I really think they’re just horrible at customer service. They hire people who are fluent in languages with no HR skills rather than hiring people who are fluent in interpersonal relations.

Considering how large the staff is, it’s absurd there’s not someone here seven hours a day fielding questions. That person wouldn’t even work that hard because the forum isn’t bogged down with complaints every two minutes. Bleh.

For the record, as well, I use Chrome.


It’s worth mentioning that today, 28 August, is an official holiday in England, so everyone who works at Memrise most likely has the day off, and we won’t be getting any updates from them until Tuesday, at the earliest.


I’m getting this error in the Chrome console along with the usual “Woops. Could not load the session. Sorry.” error at the end of each review:

1503979013988 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)

however, memrise is “born global” - local bank holidays are quite irrelevant

Hi, @BeaTrisy, @daniel.zohar. Is there any news on this?

It’s been three weeks now since the issues began, and I am still personally noticing:

1: Pressing escape after correctly answering a question in review treats the item as if it was answered incorrectly for the remainder of the review session. This was not the case before this update, and it makes it extremely inconvenient to access the extra information in that page.

2: The course’s title does not appear at the top of learning or reviewing sessions.

3: Answering a question incorrectly during a review session now shows only one additional multiple choice question at the very end of the session, rather than testing you several times and having you type for the last one. This doesn’t offer you much of a chance to better commit the item to your memory before the next review.

Any updates would be appreciated. #2 may be minor, but #1 and #3 are having a rather negative impact on my learning, and #1 is additionally getting in the way of the maintenance on my created courses.

EDIT: Forgot to mention…

4: Points from speed and accuracy bonuses aren’t being applied to daily goals since the update either.


Can someone please respond? Really: it’s been three weeks. #1 from @TinyCaterpillar is a big problem. Not being able to look at mems and not being able to look at correct definitions (for long sentences)/accents/whatever have both been detrimental.



also this issue with clicking levels takes you to the main page… annyoing

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Ja, that is very annoying.

no answer at all?

God damn it. Now my review is completely busted. I just get the spinning wheel “loading” the page.

Is the staff implementing changes, and this is why I can’t review?

Hi! We just deployed some of the fixes named in this thread. Would you mind reloading the page and trying again?
Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Thanks for responding. Unfortunately, no – my review sessions still aren’t loading.

Since today I get this error message, whenever I make a mistake: We’re sorry, there was an error. The Memrise team have been notified and are getting on it.
The problem occured first in this course:
But I checked and other courses have the same problem (at least with Firefox and Edge).
This makes learning somewhat ultra-hard (no mistakes allowed…)
I hope, this can be fixed soon…

Best wishes,

Just tested the review button. In my case, review is still broken. That is, the one review button at the top of the page used for reviewing all courses at once. It’ll work for a while (some 50-100 words, it depends) and then get stuck at the “Whoops, couldn’t load page” error message. It’s been like this for 1.5-2 weeks.


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Have you tried clearing your cache? Also can you confirm this is happening on all courses, or is it only a specific one.

In my case clearing the cache doesn’t help. Thank you for looking into the problem.

Now the first bug seems to be gone but clicking “enter” after giving a correct answer (to proceed more quickly to the next question) still produces the same error message, although I can override it by clicking “okay”, so it does no longer freeze up the whole review.
Furthermore the review page that you would normally see after making a mistake, doesn’t appear, just the next item pops up.
But upon finishing this sesion I had to notice that no progress at all was stored…

The progress not storing is what happened last year around this time. We went a week wherein review was down, but the words were still accruing, so when we we came back later, we all had so much to catch-up on.

Yes, I remember that.
Now it seems to be again like I stated a few posts above (the first post). Somehow the “Next”- button seems to be broken…